Sunday, February 20, 2011


grenade thrown ON THE CROWD IN LIBYA: by butcher by Gaddafi!


response to the tsunami of the revolt of the proletarian masses Arab, Western media have attempted to First to cons bad part good heart, you want democracy, we will refile you. Hilarious before the proletarian masses who displayed their bleeding victims and reddened hands - because the masses do not just want freedom, but above the dignity of a social place and not be treated as Mendigos - the bourgeois press has let itself go to sympathize face the terrible and unprecedented repression in particular Libya and Bahrain, hoping that it is the snuffer or rather the dam to slow or stop the wave that now threatens the gates of Europe, Russia and into China.

HOW THE MEDIA tried by this second operation to sabotage the GENERALIZATION of the proletarian struggle

20 MINUTES was ridiculous to give a specialist to ensure that the issues would be different in different countries ! The world
titled "Gaddafi is a machine to survive politically," where an ordinary docket told us indeed that Gaddafi is no more than lackeys of Western imperialism to U.S. orders and a good commercial for the bourgeoisie French so that he was ever-present. Just take the replicas on the site of its own bourgeois newspaper readers, and add them end to end. You will see that class consciousness is gaining ground despite a mass of idiots who booed bloggers' language belated coming of Marxism "and who are cops and forced the modern Sarkozyism. I am not in quotes so I'm OK with all these comments.
An "expert" interviewed by Le Monde a month ago said the same thing on Mubarak. The wind of history is sometimes very joyful and refreshing. "Gaddafi is a machine to survive politically?" It is true that finding a political virginity after the bombing of Pan Am Lockerbie and UTA over the Ténéré desert is no small feat. But it "reads Montesquieu "and as he" must exist in Libya a few remnants of old practices such as torture, "according to remarks made in 2007 by Patrick Ollier, should be formalized of those killed during the demonstrations of these days? This article makes me smile. Car Articles explaining why Mubarak and Ben Ali was ever-present, we have had a number in the press. That Libya is a different case, obviously. Egypt already was not Tunisia. Imagine that Western governments will support Gaddafi only for oil, given the history of the character, and saw what happened in Egypt and Tunisia, have to believe. Oil, even without Qaddafi, it will always be there. Gaddafi still saw what happened with Ben Ali and Mubarak. Apparently he did not draw the obvious conclusions: fleeing Libya, taking his small savings. If it takes too long to leave, he may end like Mussolini. From the moment he began to shoot live bullets at the demonstrators, it was over for him.

Back to the filthy bourgeois newspaper Hubert Slobber-Mery. He is indignant abuses against two police officers
"The events that stir Libya since Tuesday evening sink into violence. On Friday, protesters and two police officers caught them hanging in Al-Baida, 1 200 km east of Tripoli, the newspaper reported Oea, close to the reformist Seif Al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, on his website. These abuses are part of the spiral of violence that left at least twenty died since the beginning of the week. " Abuses
told Le Monde! And the hundred murders each time at least in each country, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.. State policies? They were not the beginning of the spiral? Comments
lucid in the same newspaper: "These officers hanged by the people have got what they deserve. That is what happens when you shoot live bullets at people. He'll have to teach Muammar Gaddafi to do with it. It is in their interest to release it as quickly if there is no reason why it should end up like Mussolini, hung from a hook butcher. "
The bourgeois media wanted to believe that the cessation murder by mercenaries police was due to the magnanimity of the democratic Western pressure. This is false, the cessation of the murders the most barbaric and cowardly police takes place because the police fear she also takes his turn. It does not tell you in official but people still take revenge, years after the police, the military's most cruel or members of their families, are also executed, hanged or slain!

When police took the slaughter of this magnitude against their own people, against women and children and men unarmed, the most bloodthirsty regimes do a thread. But if in some cases, in periods of reflux of the global struggle of the proletariat (as in the mid-1970s in Chile and Argentina, and Iran in 1980) of the local bourgeoisie, with the support of major powers, have been shameless massacre, the main butchers are always caught (Pinochet, Karadzic, Saddam, etc..). Today
international wave is too strong for the simple bloody repression can contain it. And the wave is no longer a street protest:
"The challenge seems to turn into a real insurgency in the east, especially in Benghazi. The organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), based on medical sources and witnesses reported Saturday that a comprehensive review of 84 deaths, including 55 in Benghazi, an opposition stronghold, where clashes have been particularly violent last Friday (amateur video commentary by Euronews).
In Bahrain (the Pigalle bourgeois bigots of Saudi Arabia) where repression was partly to be cynical in Libya, yet already it deflates in this small country: "After the withdrawal of army tanks in the capital as demanded by the opposition, mainly Shiite, the protesters reoccupied the place. The police did not intervene, except for a brief firing tear gas at one of the axes leading to the square, injuring six. The army was deployed in the capital Manama since Thursday in response to a protest against the regime, withdrew from the hub, instead of the Pearl on Saturday. It was one of the conditions demanded by the opposition to opening the dialogue proposed Friday by the Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa. The other requirement is the resignation of the government. Once the military part, the demonstrators returned en masse. They removed the barbed wire that surrounded the place and have settled in tents, under the supervision of a helicopter. The police did not intervene, according to an order given by the crown prince. In parallel, the General Union of Trade Unions of Bahrain has called an indefinite general strike from Sunday to demand the freedom to demonstrate peacefully without interference from law enforcement. The previous evening, the army fired on demonstrators in Manama, leaving dozens of casualties among the opponents. The repression of their movement has killed six people in less than a week, and at least 95 wounded. In
Yemen's peaceful crowd was attacked with grenades and cowardly attacked by armed gangs of cops in civilian! A student was shot dead and five others were injured in violent clashes broke out when supporters of the regime tried to storm the campus of the University of Sanaa, home of the dispute. On Friday, four people were shot dead in Aden, the main southern city, when police dispersed demonstrators demanding the resignation of President Ali Abdallah Saleh, in power for 32 years, medical sources said. The cops fired bullets actual students who were blocking their access. Aden, the southern city where law enforcement is more violent, has seen his side another day of rioting, marked by the death of a teenager. The latter was killed Saturday night by a stray bullet during the dispersal by security forces in a demonstration against the regime, according to hospital sources. Ten people were killed in this city since the beginning of the movement on February 13, and twelve in total across the country. Earlier, three people were injured, including two girls aged 9 and 11, when police opened fire to disperse a gathering of hundreds of people from scrolling in Aden after the funeral of a demonstrator.
In Djibouti, clashes resumed Saturday after an unprecedented demonstration against President Guelleh that degenerated into violent clashes which formally two deaths. The fighting resumed this morning in between opposition supporters and police. Mauritania protests against water shortages and rising prices in the Mauritanian town of Vassal (southeast), which borders with Mali, were severely repressed Friday by police, said Saturday a party opposition Rally of Democratic Forces (RFD). The RFD has warned the regime of President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz cons "security solutions" that can not only complicate the situation, "demanding the release of arrested demonstrators. Yemen also prepares the people of the strings.

"The challenge is not weakening in the Maghreb"
"The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW), based on medical sources and witnesses said on his part that the number total deaths since the beginning of the movement exceeds the 100 deaths, according to the BBC. The movement against Muammar Gaddafi in power since 1969, seems to turn into a real insurgency in the east. To try to limit calls to mobilize through social networks like Facebook or Twitter, Internet access was cut off in the night from Friday to Saturday, and again in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The attorney general has ordered an "investigation" into violence and called for "speeding up procedures to try all those who are guilty of death or looting." Colonel Gaddafi has not yet made a formal statement, but the revolutionary committees, a pillar of the regime, promised Friday to "Cliques" that led demonstrations a response "overwhelming."
must fall on the Romandie News site to find information more specific response capacity of the masses where it is harder under the fascist dictatorship of Gaddafi that good customer of our bourgeoisie became obliged to Obama:
"The editor of Quryna, citing security forces, told a crowd that wanted to attend the funeral of demonstrators killed on Friday stormed on Saturday a military barracks housing a battalion known as the Foudhil , which lies on the route cimetière.Les of protesters threw Molotov cocktails in particular towards the barracks, the source said. The soldiers returned fire with live ammunition, killing at least 12 protesters and making a great number of casualties, it was ajouté.Il would, according to the same source, the third attack against the barracks since the start Tuesday against the protests regime of Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who seem to have turned to insurgency in the east. A resident of Benghazi told the BBC that the military had fired mortars at the crowd with machine guns of 14.5 mm. It was "a massacre" of civilians and hospital blood shortages, according to the Arabic television channel Al-Jazeera, quoting witnesses. "

HOW LONG DO WE REMAIN HERE passive spectator?


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