Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free Clipart Retirement

BRANCH Trotskyism pilloried IN ALGERIA

I give you this comment stung on a forum on Libe Algeria, vousq judge. The author is apparently the kind nationalist (or federalist?) Kabyle, the tone is very hateful but there must be some truths. Those who know the "Workers' Party" in France (francs accomplice occult-mac, the lay brothers of the bourgeois Republican front) will not be surprised. Those who know a little older are invited to contribute here. Algeria is its location and tradition, if the uprising is, will have an even greater importance for the proletariat of Europe and Egypt or Tunisia. I do not believe that the neo-fascists brothers are currently a threat in this country too. With what is happening in Libya and Bahrain, the weekend may be hot.

The Vermin (Louisa Hanoune) Service Plan shabby Algiers most corrupt of the earth

published in Le Soir D'Algerie (the only opposition newspaper in Algeria) of this Thursday

Since your promotion public when you were with the repression of 2001 in Kabylia, those who did not know you were recruited by the departments of the Ministry of Interior at the time of El Hadi Khediri have been surprised by your enthusiasm for Bouteflika. In reality, combined with successive compromises your visceral hatred you have for everything that comes from Kabylia, something that you share so well, among others, with Yazid Zerhouni, has sounded the activation time of your order.
At the opening of the wind of freedom blowing on the south shore of the Mediterranean, more panicked as your mentors in the initial riots last January, you've played your first character of "tipsy" while reciting the song reducing the injustice and misery of the people, especially its youth, the high cost of oil and sugar. Now that repression is on the street is that you assume the role of spokesman for the Interior Ministry, not only proclaiming the "failure" events but deliver a good report and an encouragement to the troops commanded by Ould Kablia. Again, you can not miss the opportunity to nominate, in the wake of power, the RCD as the sole appellant in the march of February 12, despising social organizations and associations that have joined the Coordination. The problem is not that you're attacking a party because it claims the right of expression and protest when you chose the role of a courtesan of the Head of State. But for the issue of political labels, you must leave the orgies in which you have plunged your party. For now, you and your accomplices are neither right nor left. You are busy celebrating your achievements with the leadership of a union dominated by prebendaries Mafia, whose sole role is to stifle the voice of workers through blackmail and bribery. If you were actually Trotskyist to 20 years, then it is true that Trotskyism leads to everything. This roving is even more visible when following your positions when you're in Paris between the walls of the International. Indeed, Algerian your mentors know that you are an employee of the 4th International. What they do not know perhaps is that, as such, you defend with strength and zeal of the Moroccan Sahara. I quote "... The Sahara autonomy plan aims at the outbreak of the Moroccan nation, ... the English army invaded the Moroccan Sahara in 1882 and the Moroccan people fought in unity - in the rif and south - to the independence of the entire Moroccan nation "(1). The problem, as you know, is not your agreement with your organization's original position on Western Sahara as "part of the Moroccan nation," but your double standard according to your immediate interests. This transhumance is a rule for you. You strip your members by diverting a portion of their salary to fund the construction of a villa in Hydra into thinking that you build a new headquarters for the PT. It took the intervention of the office of the NPC to stop this extortion. Not content to vote all the laws of finance that program the dismissal of workers and the enrichment of clients plan, you have campaigned for the rape of the Constitution which requires life-long presidency of Bouteflika, that is to say sustainability of the current policy. In 2008, you accompanied the President of the Assembly for his trip to South Africa. During the stopover Cairo, you realize that you must continue the rest of the journey in economy class. Scandal! You refuse to continue the journey with "beggars", preferring supported by the Embassy of Algeria in Cairo for 4 days. That's not all, you demanded that the NPC punishes an employee who has made your reservation in economy class and you got his dismissal. Long live the working class! Finally, in the register of the Trotskyist appearance, you're going to be the standard of expediency. The blindness of the 4th International in agreeing with the adage which says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, you conducted to support Saddam Hussein in the repression and denial of rights he has done to the Iraqi people that it would be against American imperialism, so that he was the pawn advanced war against Iran. The conglomerate of organizations, ranging from ultra-nationalists and anti-globalists, that Saddam was financing, which met regularly in Baghdad, has always had a special guest in the person of Jean-Marie Le Pen. Thus, when the torturer of the Algerian nationalist militants preparing his daughter Marine to take control of the movement racist he ran again in France, you had encountered in taking part both in a meeting chaired by Saddam himself. In polite company, is known to meet. You had a meeting with Bouteflika, as president, five days ago. Knowing that you carry out its missions without qualms, we expect to see the new road map that you have been entrusted. For now, suffice it to partial revelations of your pedigree. You must, nevertheless, that the next elections will be held by either or by Ould Kablia Zerhouni. The machine to distribute the seats is now down. Your mission is scheduled to end. The National Audit will happen with the transition we will discover, I am sure other facets of your character inexhaustible.
* Member of RCD. Vice-Chairman of the NPC
1 The Maghreb: where does the American protectorate? The truth, theoretical journal of the Fourth International; new series No. 30 (No. 636) - May 2002, pages 14 and 15
PS: From today, we will answer every lie two truths. Chiche!


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