(when the farce of national mourning for three days. Grief for whom? Mourning why? ... To calm things down and make it sing again in the streets imams ....)
(stitched on The World aujourd'huiu)
"Ali Baba is gone, but not the 40 thieves!"
"Job No. 140 111: We look for a new president for Tunisia. Experience: Beginner accepted. Contract Type: Fixed term. Qualifications: orphan, an only son, sterile and mostly bald so it does not go to salons. "
[The family of Leila Trabelsi, the wife of the ousted president, a former hairdresser, Tunisia has fleeced.]
"Yesterday I went to the hairdresser to make me Leiler [Hair] hair. I wanted Trabelsia [fly] the barber, but he Tunisia [forbidden], so I Benalisation [fled]. "
" After the thrill of change, Tunis wakes up a national hangover! Democracy is like alcohol, it can be eaten in moderation ... But as people alcoholic, was quick to swallow the whole bottle bottoms. Result: the country falls into a coma democracy. "*
" Ben Ali has created a solidarity bank ... He fled the bank, but left solidarity. "
[Ben Ali had made this microcredit bank for the poor a source of pride.]
"We had a president every twenty-three years, now we have one every day."
[From January 14 to 16, Tunisia has seen Ben Ali and the current Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi transition, followed by former parliament speaker and current acting president Fouad MbazaĆ¢.]
"Before, Tunisia, there were 10 million sports commentators, now we have ten million political commentators."
"Until we're hot, go to Tripoli tomorrow around 9 am. Gaddafi is dropped at 9 h 30, maximum 10 hours, then returned to continue our revolution."
[Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has regretted the departure of Ben Ali that he still considered the "legal president."]
laughs best
"In 1987, Ben Ali has made a coup against Habib Bourguiba. In 2011, Habib Bourguiba, who makes his money. "
[Allusion to the demonstration on January 14, Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis, which precipitated the departure of Ben Ali.]
"Urgent: waking up this morning, the king of Saudi Arabia has discovered that he needed money."
[Former President Ben Ali has found refuge in Saudi Arabia.]
"Ben Ali promised us 300,000 jobs. He gave us 10 million jobs ... guardian of the neighborhood."
[allusion to the vigilance committees formed by the Tunisians to defend neighborhoods armed militia of Ben Ali.]
Interview by Isabelle Mandraud
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