must still explain here that we were right not to believe in a revolution of Tunisia, with or without Jasmine at the end of rifles. All reactionary leftists of the Maoist NPA La Forge fell into the sump. Latest twirling the puppet Ghannouchi demonstrate once again the political backwardness of the former colonies. Ghannouchi as Mubarak must at every stage of popular revolts take a long time advisor to the American bourgeoisie. The holy alliance of local bourgeois states and major Western brethren not hesitate to use all the cards mystifying SAME TIME. The Tunisian palace revolution has limited the damage by invoking a hypothetical fear of Islamists but to leave the power to old bosses; see those old bourgeois stuff on the picture of "national reconciliation" (this "trap con")! Revolutions, real ones, are always at the forefront YOUNG and not specifically in the street but in power!
In Egypt the media tried to zoom in on the only kneeling "brothers musulmaniaques" while the majority of people rushed in an exemplary manner against the pathetic symbols of the police power, keeper of misery. In both countries, but also in Jordan, Algeria and Yemen, the Arab bourgeois state has continued to chant with the wolf Islamist blackmail to control the anger in the path of bourgeois legality, we must recognize that that it is very successful so far.
The Egyptian bourgeoisie as his sister was still using Tunisian Islamism to justify capitalist plurality democratic elections of its alleged damsel, as she swayed to solve adventure Islamo-fascist dictatorship of the proletariat capitalist rescue was the clash of form and threatening to become an alternative in those countries starting with tear national flags. The bourgeoisie American, French, Tunisian and Egyptian have shown that they are so loose that even the courage to be cowardly lack. Now, by chance in the absence of a proletariat organized in Tunisia and Egypt, the political defeat insurgencies is assured. We have been unable to take at least these people a revolution that has taken place. The palace revolution Tunisian balloon deflates as conservative, with the help of leading spiritual cops, who have proven their effectiveness in the West (and in this poor French proletariat retired before the hour): aristocracies union. The UGTT that has not stopped singing the virtues of class collaboration, which campaigned for "national reconciliation" while Ben Ali was not yet gone on vacation, has manipulated the people of Tunisia in three stages:
- a lie that was to dissociate himself from the regime and benali chasing protesters claim by his emissaries in Europe he had helped to launch the uprising;
- THE DEGUISMENT. The Union State has played the chameleon blending into the masses and challenge the umbrella by its refusal to participate in the 2nd revision;
- APPROVAL 3rd ministerial reshuffle to promote "national transition" to the election cans.
DESPITE EVERYTHING, even though the jasmine quickly faded, the lessons of these uprisings can already be highlighted:
- The fear of the rulers of the planet was pleasure to see, even unorganized proletarians have established themselves as a power in the making: "It is only between a proud resistance that we have imposed on all the respect, and became a power. It only respects power, and as we get one, we will respect the philistines. Whoever they made concessions is despised by them, and is no longer a power. It can be felt with an iron fist in a velvet glove, but it must be felt "(Engels).
- This is a beginning marked by inevitable delays and political betrayals, but an early uprising against capitalist misery that challenges the world proletariat;
- wrapped in national flags and not supported by the working class in rich countries, North African proletarians have not been able to ask the general internationalist
- The new "networks social ", despite boasting sores apolitical and anarcho-liberals, were not the main vectors of the extension, but it is, conventionally, the misery and repression that have thrown people in the street is may be noted, however, in the case of Egypt, that cutting the web and twitter still has more still connected to power;
- The proletarians have nothing to wait for elections scheduled far enough that the fury falls, and so that the citizens returning emigrants take their place in the National Concert unanimist and fraudulent for the proletariat.
I deplore once again the absence of any maximalist revolutionary group, no significant enough from the torpor of the Western proletariat, however, also attacked by the bourgeoisie, faced with these events. Fortunately, the small group Bordigist save the honor of the universal proletariat in its second leaflet (about Tunisia and Algeria), indicating good guidance "class":
"An advocacy organization authentically proletarian class, breaking with the imperatives of social preservation and submission to capital, not only organize the fight against the anti-proletarian class with methods - strike call in all categories of workers, training posts and committees to lead the struggle, the organization of defense against police repression, it would bind to the struggles of the proletarians of the neighboring country to unify strikes to strengthen the fight defense of Living and Working proletarian field as the bourgeoisie chose: the land of open confrontation and violent.
FOR THE RESUMPTION OF THE CLASS STRUGGLE AND international proletarian solidarity!
SCHEDULE (food for thought: a 20-minute interview with Karim Bitar, funding for the Egyptian army and the NPA info)
"What is the profile of the protest?
It is less "bourgeois" than the movement Tunisia. "It is a bit more popular because the country is poorest," says Karim Bitar. But the middle class and intellectuals are also well represented. As for the Islamists, they do not cause events, but "it will take with them" even if the system tends to shake the Islamist spectrum to maintain a modicum of support from the secular Egyptians and the community International. That claim
young Egyptian?
"Beyond the anger, there is a will to end the regime itself," says Karim Bitar. Egypt's population could not speak during the last legislative elections last November where fraud has been a host to keep the ruling party in place. According to the researcher, the aspirations of the people going to a state of law, the end of "the confiscation of political and economic power by small groups of people." The Egyptian economy is so badly managed, with untapped potential. The same applies to the employment policy, little open to new generations, while youth unemployment increases.
Diet can really fall?
"We do not yet know if the political dominoes will fall, but the psychological domino it has been reached, "said Karim Bitar. Things will still be harder to move than in Tunisia. In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, the military support and are very present in the country's economic structure. "At this stage, the army is loyal, but it comes from the people and can draw on the Tunisian case," cautions Karim Bitar. The behavior of the United States also weighed in the balance because Egypt has a "strategic importance" for Americans. "It is the beating heart of the Arab world, with the Suez Canal and involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iranian nuclear issue," says The researcher added that the regime of Hosni Mubarak also "survived the last 10-15 years" thanks to the fight against terrorism. "He can not survive without the support of the United States," Karim Bitar slice.
Is there a credible opposition in Egypt?
Yes, even if, as in Tunisia, the regime has resulted in marginalizing opponents. "They can quickly regain its footing with the support of young people and intellectuals," says Karim Bitar. Besides the Muslim Brotherhood, the researcher is emerging "third force", especially with the return of Mohamed ElBaradei to the country. The former director of the Agency International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met in the West is "the politician the most popular Arab," according to Karim Bitar. Another opposition leader and influential history, Ayman Nour, leader of the "party of tomorrow," would appear also as a potential future leader.
Corentin Chauvel
The situation in the country poses a dilemma for the United States, likely to support democracy, but Mubarak is the closest Arab ally. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had estimated on Tuesday that the government in Cairo was "stable" before the Obama administration will soon put the emphasis on the need respect the right to protest. The Egyptian army has received grants last year totaling U.S. $ 1.3 billion. The U.S. has however financed to the tune of tens of millions of dollars to organizations promoting democracy in Egypt, to the chagrin of President Mubarak, according to notes obtained by Wikileaks and published Friday by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.
On the website of the NPA, the chameleons trotskiens tell stories of the appearance of 'councils' local, but certainly very responsible if conciliators in the background that they can be branches UGTT the infamous, and they do not constitute a double power but are only co-manage the shortage. Here's a description:
Constitutive Declaration of interim local board to manage the affairs of the town of Sidi Bou Ali
Following the decision to appoint Mohamed Ghannouchi, the task of forming a new government tasked with organizing new elections presidential in the country;
After the administrative vacuum and management in the cities of Sidi Bou Ali, Wilaya of Sousse;
We, citizens of the town of Sidi Bou Ali gathered at the "People's Square" in town declare:
- we reject that decision based on a constitution undemocratic and unpopular, and does not guarantee the rights of all national sensitivities in the country;
- we reject the domination of the ruling party and its continuance in control politics in the country, through its symbols and its lackeys in government;
- we elect, in a public manner, a temporary local council that manages the affairs of the city and to work under National and regional coordination to regain normal functioning of civil, economic, cultural and political environment in the country until a new constitution for a democratic society and paves the way for popular elections to ensure peaceful transfer of power and no monopoly. And ensure that it represents all the national parties.
functions of this Council are:
- The formation of safety committees to protect neighborhoods,
- Helping to resume daily economic life and the necessities of daily life of citizens,
- Ensure the reopening of civil institutions (banks, hospitals, municipalities, schools, institutes, ...)
- Ensure cleanliness of the city,
- Coordinate with local and regional councils formed
- Communicate and liaise with the national army as it is the only institution that functions today on the country.
We decide to split on the following committees:
- Committee of propaganda and media
- Communications Committee with the National Army;
- Protection Committee of the ward;
- Committee of the cleanliness of the city
- Logistics Committee;
- Awareness Committee, orientation and culture.
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