EGYPT: Notice of the Communist Party International
Egypt in flames
A powerful wave of anger among the Arab masses poor and jobless shakes the young, voracious capitalism and brutal countries of North Africa and the Middle East supported by the old and bloody capitalism in Europe and America. Anticipation of a social wave that can not be concluded for the majority of the population by the emergence of the working class.
last 5 days the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and many other Egyptian cities have witnessed a great wave of anger among the masses who can no longer bear to live in unemployment, poverty and the hunger after Tunisia and Algeria is now the turn of Egypt. Media
the opulent western world, which now can no longer hide the savage police repression, focus all their information on the "lack of reforms" and the absence of a "true democracy"! It was not until the masses, defying the crackdown, do break their anger by attacking government buildings, burning what they could, throwing stones, knocking tanks, competing in melee with police, defying curfew and the shooting of law enforcement, for these media recognize that these plans bribed, protected and armed by Western democracies and primarily the United States, have maintained order and social control by a widespread and systematic police violence, they were arrested, tortured and silenced all opposition by whatever means, to have a free hand in a few years and accumulate enormous wealth to their clans - and their foreign sponsors. The timid
requests made by Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy and Mubarak regime Co. (and formerly the Ben Ali) to do it urgently concessions to meet the urgent demands of the masses (bread and work, eventually) show how the imperialists were surprised by the wave of riots that spread in the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Western democracies would care they suddenly experienced the misery for years the proletariat and the peasant masses of these countries?
Not at all!
In countries where capitalism is developing in the only way possible, given the ruthless imperialist competition that requires people worldwide economic oppression, social and military, that is to say, the most savage and brutal as history has known, in countries where the capitalist mode of production claimed to bring welfare and civilization, there is no another perspective for the masses that the exploitation, repression, poverty and hunger. These regimes for decades as Egypt or Tunisia crush their people and who now receive in return a very small fraction of the violence inflicted on the masses once were all the time points of support of the imperialist powers' democratic "that dominate the world.
Given the irresistible explosion of anger among the Arab masses deprived Washington, Berlin, Paris, Rome, London and Brussels, send in Cairo yesterday as Tunis and Algiers, the board allow the freedom of expression, make reforms, to stop repression .... Empty words that only serve to make people believe that with more "democracy, less corruption and less brutality of the authorities, would improve the situation of the masses. Western leaders know from experience that the one thousand cards of "democracy" can be played in different scenarios to divert the struggles of the masses towards objectives that do not challenge capitalism, but are limited to changes of government. It is no coincidence that the events in the various opposition parties put forward the demand, "Ben Ali released!", "Mubarak released!" They just want to take advantage of the riots to replace Ben clans Ali and Mubarak in the governments of these countries.
What will change fundamentally for the masses? Nothing.
With only a little more freedom of expression and free elections, it will be the continuation of the brutal exploitation of the masses proletarianized that capitalism inflicts under the whole heaven, but it adds that the aggravating imperialist oppression that fills the vaults of American and European middle classes and allows them to buy the complicity of reformist organizations managing their own working class!
The riots that shook the Arab world today announce tensions and riots in Europe: the Mediterranean, mare nostrum of the ancient Romans, could turn into a lake of fire burning the continent because the economic crisis that has Western economies falter and whose consequences, delayed but inexorable batter countries on their periphery, can be overcome by the oppressive capitalism that further the proletarian masses of the world. The proletarians
North African, Middle Eastern and Albanian scream to the world by their riots in recent weeks, that capitalism is unable to meet the basic requirements of the masses and that this intolerable situation must change. The proletariat of Europe and America are watching with amazement, but also worried happy revolts that put to flight the bloodthirsty rulers. The proletarians of the richest countries in the world, who knew too a steady deterioration of their living and working conditions, lack the strength to rebel in the same way. They were educated in respect of "democratic legitimacy", they are poisoned for decades by the myth of democracy that they find each day the failure to solve their problems of daily life, but they can nevertheless not free himself to give expression to the revolt that any slave feels inevitable.
But the proletarians of Europe, however, have a history of class struggles, struggles not just revolutionary against the old feudal system, but also against capitalism. It is this history that they can and must reclaim if they will not remain forever subject to their imperialist bourgeoisie, they must rediscover the teachings of the glorious history of class struggles and true social revolutions that have shook all the imperialist!
If the proletarians of the Maghreb and the Middle East who have stood against their plans to leave channel in the path of democracy and elections allegedly rigged not to direct them where the opposition parties, they fail to find a perspective for their class, they fail to free themselves from exploitation and oppression that condemn them to poverty and tomorrow turn into cannon fodder, as has already been case in the countless wars that bloodied the region. Nationalism in which the various Arab states have watered the masses to defend the interests of scheduled castes and bourgeois factions allied to particular imperialism are the other side of the coin, which is entirely consistent, if the need arises to link extra social with religious fundamentalism, as demonstrated by the Ayatollahs in Iran and Zionism in Israel.
The proletarians today who express their anger without any instrumentalization of religion, will not stay long in this situation. Even when the bourgeois regimes through a serious political crisis as is the case in Egypt and Tunisia (and perhaps tomorrow in Morocco, Jordan, Libya or elsewhere), the absence of the class party, armed with the program Communist revolutionary and determined to prepare the workers for future anti-capitalist revolution, the masses can be "neutralized" by the action always effective democracy, and if necessary by using an alternative type of Islamic ..
The proletarians have before them three possibilities: to fall back into silence as before the revolt, with some freedom of expression and organization permitted by a new legally imposed by new bourgeois fractions with the agreement of the imperialism; be represented by parties like the Islamic, which by their denunciation of corruption and bad morals, succeed in capturing the disgust of the masses against the current leadership, and then take the path of the class organization for the defense without compromising their immediate interests with a view to overthrowing bourgeois society plunged into the commodification of all social relations and human resources exist.
This path of class struggle is undoubtedly the more difficult it seems more distant because the bourgeois society in the competition of everyone against everyone pushes each individual to only see itself, to think only of its personal needs (or those of his family) over those of their neighbors. But the proletariat is a class based on relations of production and social needs: they are the class that the capitalists have to operate for profit; is the material condition of labor force employed proletarians who makes a class where people have the same interests and feel the need to unite to defend it in this extensive material in this movement of defense born solidarity and awareness of having a force that does not limit itself to expressing anger, but can be arranged for a future that is no longer that of eternal exploitation by capitalism!
The European proletarians, meanwhile, have everything to lose just watch passively what's happening on the other shore of the Mediterranean, the revolt of the proletariat and the poor masses of Africa and the Middle East are interested first and foremost: it is their class brothers who revolt, driven by hunger and poverty, and repression a triumph Some of them will seek opportunities in Europe they have more life in them, as happens in decades - further evidence that the proletarian condition is the same everywhere. Capitalism can not fail to use these new entrants to increase competition among workers, which is why the revolt of the masses also Mediterranean direct relevance to European proletarians. The workers are the only ones who have nothing to fear from these riots, which have no reason to fear that the fire does not touch the Social European cities. These are lonely because they are part of the same class of employees, operated by capital belonging to networks of interests that bind the middle classes to one another, and must be fought everywhere.
But to be effective, this struggle must overcome the myths of "democracy" and a "legalism" that every citizen, every capitalist, under pressure from the street, is ready to claim against other citizens hated and discredited, even then, the dust has settled, to trample shamelessly!
revolts which succeed in Arab countries give a lesson of proletarian struggle:
the way forward for the workers of the two shores of the Mediterranean as in all countries of the world, is the path of struggle of class, the struggle in which the proletariat not rise in defense of a false bourgeois democracy, but of their own class interests, which also represent the future of human society because they involve the end of the capitalist mode of production and therefore of all social, political and economic oppression that characterize military bourgeois society.
International Communist Party, 01/30/2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
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must still explain here that we were right not to believe in a revolution of Tunisia, with or without Jasmine at the end of rifles. All reactionary leftists of the Maoist NPA La Forge fell into the sump. Latest twirling the puppet Ghannouchi demonstrate once again the political backwardness of the former colonies. Ghannouchi as Mubarak must at every stage of popular revolts take a long time advisor to the American bourgeoisie. The holy alliance of local bourgeois states and major Western brethren not hesitate to use all the cards mystifying SAME TIME. The Tunisian palace revolution has limited the damage by invoking a hypothetical fear of Islamists but to leave the power to old bosses; see those old bourgeois stuff on the picture of "national reconciliation" (this "trap con")! Revolutions, real ones, are always at the forefront YOUNG and not specifically in the street but in power!
In Egypt the media tried to zoom in on the only kneeling "brothers musulmaniaques" while the majority of people rushed in an exemplary manner against the pathetic symbols of the police power, keeper of misery. In both countries, but also in Jordan, Algeria and Yemen, the Arab bourgeois state has continued to chant with the wolf Islamist blackmail to control the anger in the path of bourgeois legality, we must recognize that that it is very successful so far.
The Egyptian bourgeoisie as his sister was still using Tunisian Islamism to justify capitalist plurality democratic elections of its alleged damsel, as she swayed to solve adventure Islamo-fascist dictatorship of the proletariat capitalist rescue was the clash of form and threatening to become an alternative in those countries starting with tear national flags. The bourgeoisie American, French, Tunisian and Egyptian have shown that they are so loose that even the courage to be cowardly lack. Now, by chance in the absence of a proletariat organized in Tunisia and Egypt, the political defeat insurgencies is assured. We have been unable to take at least these people a revolution that has taken place. The palace revolution Tunisian balloon deflates as conservative, with the help of leading spiritual cops, who have proven their effectiveness in the West (and in this poor French proletariat retired before the hour): aristocracies union. The UGTT that has not stopped singing the virtues of class collaboration, which campaigned for "national reconciliation" while Ben Ali was not yet gone on vacation, has manipulated the people of Tunisia in three stages:
- a lie that was to dissociate himself from the regime and benali chasing protesters claim by his emissaries in Europe he had helped to launch the uprising;
- THE DEGUISMENT. The Union State has played the chameleon blending into the masses and challenge the umbrella by its refusal to participate in the 2nd revision;
- APPROVAL 3rd ministerial reshuffle to promote "national transition" to the election cans.
DESPITE EVERYTHING, even though the jasmine quickly faded, the lessons of these uprisings can already be highlighted:
- The fear of the rulers of the planet was pleasure to see, even unorganized proletarians have established themselves as a power in the making: "It is only between a proud resistance that we have imposed on all the respect, and became a power. It only respects power, and as we get one, we will respect the philistines. Whoever they made concessions is despised by them, and is no longer a power. It can be felt with an iron fist in a velvet glove, but it must be felt "(Engels).
- This is a beginning marked by inevitable delays and political betrayals, but an early uprising against capitalist misery that challenges the world proletariat;
- wrapped in national flags and not supported by the working class in rich countries, North African proletarians have not been able to ask the general internationalist
- The new "networks social ", despite boasting sores apolitical and anarcho-liberals, were not the main vectors of the extension, but it is, conventionally, the misery and repression that have thrown people in the street is may be noted, however, in the case of Egypt, that cutting the web and twitter still has more still connected to power;
- The proletarians have nothing to wait for elections scheduled far enough that the fury falls, and so that the citizens returning emigrants take their place in the National Concert unanimist and fraudulent for the proletariat.
I deplore once again the absence of any maximalist revolutionary group, no significant enough from the torpor of the Western proletariat, however, also attacked by the bourgeoisie, faced with these events. Fortunately, the small group Bordigist save the honor of the universal proletariat in its second leaflet (about Tunisia and Algeria), indicating good guidance "class":
"An advocacy organization authentically proletarian class, breaking with the imperatives of social preservation and submission to capital, not only organize the fight against the anti-proletarian class with methods - strike call in all categories of workers, training posts and committees to lead the struggle, the organization of defense against police repression, it would bind to the struggles of the proletarians of the neighboring country to unify strikes to strengthen the fight defense of Living and Working proletarian field as the bourgeoisie chose: the land of open confrontation and violent.
FOR THE RESUMPTION OF THE CLASS STRUGGLE AND international proletarian solidarity!
SCHEDULE (food for thought: a 20-minute interview with Karim Bitar, funding for the Egyptian army and the NPA info)
"What is the profile of the protest?
It is less "bourgeois" than the movement Tunisia. "It is a bit more popular because the country is poorest," says Karim Bitar. But the middle class and intellectuals are also well represented. As for the Islamists, they do not cause events, but "it will take with them" even if the system tends to shake the Islamist spectrum to maintain a modicum of support from the secular Egyptians and the community International. That claim
young Egyptian?
"Beyond the anger, there is a will to end the regime itself," says Karim Bitar. Egypt's population could not speak during the last legislative elections last November where fraud has been a host to keep the ruling party in place. According to the researcher, the aspirations of the people going to a state of law, the end of "the confiscation of political and economic power by small groups of people." The Egyptian economy is so badly managed, with untapped potential. The same applies to the employment policy, little open to new generations, while youth unemployment increases.
Diet can really fall?
"We do not yet know if the political dominoes will fall, but the psychological domino it has been reached, "said Karim Bitar. Things will still be harder to move than in Tunisia. In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, the military support and are very present in the country's economic structure. "At this stage, the army is loyal, but it comes from the people and can draw on the Tunisian case," cautions Karim Bitar. The behavior of the United States also weighed in the balance because Egypt has a "strategic importance" for Americans. "It is the beating heart of the Arab world, with the Suez Canal and involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iranian nuclear issue," says The researcher added that the regime of Hosni Mubarak also "survived the last 10-15 years" thanks to the fight against terrorism. "He can not survive without the support of the United States," Karim Bitar slice.
Is there a credible opposition in Egypt?
Yes, even if, as in Tunisia, the regime has resulted in marginalizing opponents. "They can quickly regain its footing with the support of young people and intellectuals," says Karim Bitar. Besides the Muslim Brotherhood, the researcher is emerging "third force", especially with the return of Mohamed ElBaradei to the country. The former director of the Agency International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met in the West is "the politician the most popular Arab," according to Karim Bitar. Another opposition leader and influential history, Ayman Nour, leader of the "party of tomorrow," would appear also as a potential future leader.
Corentin Chauvel
The situation in the country poses a dilemma for the United States, likely to support democracy, but Mubarak is the closest Arab ally. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had estimated on Tuesday that the government in Cairo was "stable" before the Obama administration will soon put the emphasis on the need respect the right to protest. The Egyptian army has received grants last year totaling U.S. $ 1.3 billion. The U.S. has however financed to the tune of tens of millions of dollars to organizations promoting democracy in Egypt, to the chagrin of President Mubarak, according to notes obtained by Wikileaks and published Friday by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.
On the website of the NPA, the chameleons trotskiens tell stories of the appearance of 'councils' local, but certainly very responsible if conciliators in the background that they can be branches UGTT the infamous, and they do not constitute a double power but are only co-manage the shortage. Here's a description:
Constitutive Declaration of interim local board to manage the affairs of the town of Sidi Bou Ali
Following the decision to appoint Mohamed Ghannouchi, the task of forming a new government tasked with organizing new elections presidential in the country;
After the administrative vacuum and management in the cities of Sidi Bou Ali, Wilaya of Sousse;
We, citizens of the town of Sidi Bou Ali gathered at the "People's Square" in town declare:
- we reject that decision based on a constitution undemocratic and unpopular, and does not guarantee the rights of all national sensitivities in the country;
- we reject the domination of the ruling party and its continuance in control politics in the country, through its symbols and its lackeys in government;
- we elect, in a public manner, a temporary local council that manages the affairs of the city and to work under National and regional coordination to regain normal functioning of civil, economic, cultural and political environment in the country until a new constitution for a democratic society and paves the way for popular elections to ensure peaceful transfer of power and no monopoly. And ensure that it represents all the national parties.
functions of this Council are:
- The formation of safety committees to protect neighborhoods,
- Helping to resume daily economic life and the necessities of daily life of citizens,
- Ensure the reopening of civil institutions (banks, hospitals, municipalities, schools, institutes, ...)
- Ensure cleanliness of the city,
- Coordinate with local and regional councils formed
- Communicate and liaise with the national army as it is the only institution that functions today on the country.
We decide to split on the following committees:
- Committee of propaganda and media
- Communications Committee with the National Army;
- Protection Committee of the ward;
- Committee of the cleanliness of the city
- Logistics Committee;
- Awareness Committee, orientation and culture.

must still explain here that we were right not to believe in a revolution of Tunisia, with or without Jasmine at the end of rifles. All reactionary leftists of the Maoist NPA La Forge fell into the sump. Latest twirling the puppet Ghannouchi demonstrate once again the political backwardness of the former colonies. Ghannouchi as Mubarak must at every stage of popular revolts take a long time advisor to the American bourgeoisie. The holy alliance of local bourgeois states and major Western brethren not hesitate to use all the cards mystifying SAME TIME. The Tunisian palace revolution has limited the damage by invoking a hypothetical fear of Islamists but to leave the power to old bosses; see those old bourgeois stuff on the picture of "national reconciliation" (this "trap con")! Revolutions, real ones, are always at the forefront YOUNG and not specifically in the street but in power!
In Egypt the media tried to zoom in on the only kneeling "brothers musulmaniaques" while the majority of people rushed in an exemplary manner against the pathetic symbols of the police power, keeper of misery. In both countries, but also in Jordan, Algeria and Yemen, the Arab bourgeois state has continued to chant with the wolf Islamist blackmail to control the anger in the path of bourgeois legality, we must recognize that that it is very successful so far.
The Egyptian bourgeoisie as his sister was still using Tunisian Islamism to justify capitalist plurality democratic elections of its alleged damsel, as she swayed to solve adventure Islamo-fascist dictatorship of the proletariat capitalist rescue was the clash of form and threatening to become an alternative in those countries starting with tear national flags. The bourgeoisie American, French, Tunisian and Egyptian have shown that they are so loose that even the courage to be cowardly lack. Now, by chance in the absence of a proletariat organized in Tunisia and Egypt, the political defeat insurgencies is assured. We have been unable to take at least these people a revolution that has taken place. The palace revolution Tunisian balloon deflates as conservative, with the help of leading spiritual cops, who have proven their effectiveness in the West (and in this poor French proletariat retired before the hour): aristocracies union. The UGTT that has not stopped singing the virtues of class collaboration, which campaigned for "national reconciliation" while Ben Ali was not yet gone on vacation, has manipulated the people of Tunisia in three stages:
- a lie that was to dissociate himself from the regime and benali chasing protesters claim by his emissaries in Europe he had helped to launch the uprising;
- THE DEGUISMENT. The Union State has played the chameleon blending into the masses and challenge the umbrella by its refusal to participate in the 2nd revision;
- APPROVAL 3rd ministerial reshuffle to promote "national transition" to the election cans.
DESPITE EVERYTHING, even though the jasmine quickly faded, the lessons of these uprisings can already be highlighted:
- The fear of the rulers of the planet was pleasure to see, even unorganized proletarians have established themselves as a power in the making: "It is only between a proud resistance that we have imposed on all the respect, and became a power. It only respects power, and as we get one, we will respect the philistines. Whoever they made concessions is despised by them, and is no longer a power. It can be felt with an iron fist in a velvet glove, but it must be felt "(Engels).
- This is a beginning marked by inevitable delays and political betrayals, but an early uprising against capitalist misery that challenges the world proletariat;
- wrapped in national flags and not supported by the working class in rich countries, North African proletarians have not been able to ask the general internationalist
- The new "networks social ", despite boasting sores apolitical and anarcho-liberals, were not the main vectors of the extension, but it is, conventionally, the misery and repression that have thrown people in the street is may be noted, however, in the case of Egypt, that cutting the web and twitter still has more still connected to power;
- The proletarians have nothing to wait for elections scheduled far enough that the fury falls, and so that the citizens returning emigrants take their place in the National Concert unanimist and fraudulent for the proletariat.
I deplore once again the absence of any maximalist revolutionary group, no significant enough from the torpor of the Western proletariat, however, also attacked by the bourgeoisie, faced with these events. Fortunately, the small group Bordigist save the honor of the universal proletariat in its second leaflet (about Tunisia and Algeria), indicating good guidance "class":
"An advocacy organization authentically proletarian class, breaking with the imperatives of social preservation and submission to capital, not only organize the fight against the anti-proletarian class with methods - strike call in all categories of workers, training posts and committees to lead the struggle, the organization of defense against police repression, it would bind to the struggles of the proletarians of the neighboring country to unify strikes to strengthen the fight defense of Living and Working proletarian field as the bourgeoisie chose: the land of open confrontation and violent.
FOR THE RESUMPTION OF THE CLASS STRUGGLE AND international proletarian solidarity!
SCHEDULE (food for thought: a 20-minute interview with Karim Bitar, funding for the Egyptian army and the NPA info)
"What is the profile of the protest?
It is less "bourgeois" than the movement Tunisia. "It is a bit more popular because the country is poorest," says Karim Bitar. But the middle class and intellectuals are also well represented. As for the Islamists, they do not cause events, but "it will take with them" even if the system tends to shake the Islamist spectrum to maintain a modicum of support from the secular Egyptians and the community International. That claim
young Egyptian?
"Beyond the anger, there is a will to end the regime itself," says Karim Bitar. Egypt's population could not speak during the last legislative elections last November where fraud has been a host to keep the ruling party in place. According to the researcher, the aspirations of the people going to a state of law, the end of "the confiscation of political and economic power by small groups of people." The Egyptian economy is so badly managed, with untapped potential. The same applies to the employment policy, little open to new generations, while youth unemployment increases.
Diet can really fall?
"We do not yet know if the political dominoes will fall, but the psychological domino it has been reached, "said Karim Bitar. Things will still be harder to move than in Tunisia. In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, the military support and are very present in the country's economic structure. "At this stage, the army is loyal, but it comes from the people and can draw on the Tunisian case," cautions Karim Bitar. The behavior of the United States also weighed in the balance because Egypt has a "strategic importance" for Americans. "It is the beating heart of the Arab world, with the Suez Canal and involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iranian nuclear issue," says The researcher added that the regime of Hosni Mubarak also "survived the last 10-15 years" thanks to the fight against terrorism. "He can not survive without the support of the United States," Karim Bitar slice.
Is there a credible opposition in Egypt?
Yes, even if, as in Tunisia, the regime has resulted in marginalizing opponents. "They can quickly regain its footing with the support of young people and intellectuals," says Karim Bitar. Besides the Muslim Brotherhood, the researcher is emerging "third force", especially with the return of Mohamed ElBaradei to the country. The former director of the Agency International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met in the West is "the politician the most popular Arab," according to Karim Bitar. Another opposition leader and influential history, Ayman Nour, leader of the "party of tomorrow," would appear also as a potential future leader.
Corentin Chauvel
The situation in the country poses a dilemma for the United States, likely to support democracy, but Mubarak is the closest Arab ally. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had estimated on Tuesday that the government in Cairo was "stable" before the Obama administration will soon put the emphasis on the need respect the right to protest. The Egyptian army has received grants last year totaling U.S. $ 1.3 billion. The U.S. has however financed to the tune of tens of millions of dollars to organizations promoting democracy in Egypt, to the chagrin of President Mubarak, according to notes obtained by Wikileaks and published Friday by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.
On the website of the NPA, the chameleons trotskiens tell stories of the appearance of 'councils' local, but certainly very responsible if conciliators in the background that they can be branches UGTT the infamous, and they do not constitute a double power but are only co-manage the shortage. Here's a description:
Constitutive Declaration of interim local board to manage the affairs of the town of Sidi Bou Ali
Following the decision to appoint Mohamed Ghannouchi, the task of forming a new government tasked with organizing new elections presidential in the country;
After the administrative vacuum and management in the cities of Sidi Bou Ali, Wilaya of Sousse;
We, citizens of the town of Sidi Bou Ali gathered at the "People's Square" in town declare:
- we reject that decision based on a constitution undemocratic and unpopular, and does not guarantee the rights of all national sensitivities in the country;
- we reject the domination of the ruling party and its continuance in control politics in the country, through its symbols and its lackeys in government;
- we elect, in a public manner, a temporary local council that manages the affairs of the city and to work under National and regional coordination to regain normal functioning of civil, economic, cultural and political environment in the country until a new constitution for a democratic society and paves the way for popular elections to ensure peaceful transfer of power and no monopoly. And ensure that it represents all the national parties.
functions of this Council are:
- The formation of safety committees to protect neighborhoods,
- Helping to resume daily economic life and the necessities of daily life of citizens,
- Ensure the reopening of civil institutions (banks, hospitals, municipalities, schools, institutes, ...)
- Ensure cleanliness of the city,
- Coordinate with local and regional councils formed
- Communicate and liaise with the national army as it is the only institution that functions today on the country.
We decide to split on the following committees:
- Committee of propaganda and media
- Communications Committee with the National Army;
- Protection Committee of the ward;
- Committee of the cleanliness of the city
- Logistics Committee;
- Awareness Committee, orientation and culture.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Discomfort At Groins In Hiv
French imperialism in Algeria
by Rosa Luxemburg (1913)
Extract from the accumulation of capital, by Rosa Luxemburg. It is probably this excerpt that was published in The Flame (No. 5, November 1945) (transplanted on the site The Battle Socialist)
Besides British India and his martyrdom, Algeria French politics under the rule has a place of honor in the annals of colonial capitalist economy. When the French conquered Algeria, the mass of the Kabyle population was dominated by social and economic institutions very old and, through the turbulent history of the country, continued into the nineteenth century and in part to today. Doubtless it was private property in cities among the Moors and Jews, among merchants, artisans and moneylenders. Without doubt the Turkish suzerainty had it confiscated in the campaign of large stretches of land ¬ due as areas of state. However almost half of the cultivated land remained collectively owned Kabyle Arab tribes who guarded the ancient patriarchal customs. Many Arab tribes in the nineteenth century were leading the same nomadic life they had always led, and that seems unstable and disorderly at a superficial glance, but which in reality is strictly regulated and often monotonous, each summer, with women and children, taking the herds and tents, they emigrated to the coastal region of Tell, the climate cooled by the wind, and brought them back each winter to heat protector of the desert. Every tribe and every family had their specific routes, and stations in winter or summer when they pitched their tents were fixed. Similarly, in the Arab farmers, the land was mostly owned collective tribes. The family also had Kabyle patriarchal customs and lived according to traditional rules under the leadership of its elected leaders.
In this large family circle, the common direction of domestic affairs was entrusted to the oldest woman, who could be elected by the other family members, or to each woman in turn. The organiza ¬ tion of the great family Kabyle along the African desert like curious ¬ ment to "zadruga" South Slavic countries, the family had in common not only the land but all the tools, weapons and money necessary professional activities of its members and purchased by them. Each man had his own a single dress, and every woman just clothing and jewelry she had received as a wedding gift. But all the clothes and most precious jewels were considered joint property of the family and could be worn by each member with the permission of all. If the family was small, she took his meals at a communal table, the women were cooking in turns, and older women were responsible for serving dishes. If the family circle was too large, chief of the tribe distributes a monthly ration of food not prepared, dividing them with a strict equality between the various families, who were responsible for preparing them. These communities were united by ties of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance, and patriarchs were accustomed to recommend to their dying son to remain faithful to the community [1].
The Turkish rule in Algeria who had settled in the sixteenth century had already made serious cuts in the social organization. However it was the French who invented the legend that the Turks have confiscated all land for the benefit of the treasury. Only Europeans could imagine an idea as absurd, which is in contradiction with all the economic foundations of Islam and believers. Instead the Turks generally respected the collective ownership of villages and large families. Are resumed only families with a large proportion of uncultivated lands and transform them into areas of State (beyliks) which, under the guidance of local Turkish administrators were either managed directly by the state with the help of a hand -Manpower native or farmed in exchange for a lease or royalty in kind. In addition Turks took advantage of every rebel tribes submitted and each disorder in the country to see more tax areas by land confiscations, and founded colonies military or selling at public auction the goods seized, which generally fell into the hands of Turkish or other moneylenders. To escape the forfeiture or the tax burden. many peasants placed themselves, as in the Middle Ages in Germany, under the protection of the Church, who thus became owner of huge estates. Finally, the distribution of properties in Algeria presented itself, after all these vicissitudes, as follows: areas of State included 1.5 million hectares of land of 3 million hectares of uncultivated land also belonged to the state as "common property of all believers" (corn el Islam); 3,000,000 hectares were the private property of the Berbers, since Roman times, in addition, under Turkish rule, 1.5 million hectares had become private property. Arab tribes guarding indivisio 5,000,000 hectares. As for the Sahara, it comprised about 3 million hectares of farmland in the oasis, which belonged either to fields managed collectively by large families, or private domains. The 23 million hectares remaining were virtually deserted.
After the conquest of Algeria the French made big noise about their work of civilization. We know that Algeria, which was issued in the early eighteenth century from Turkish rule, had become a den of pirates infesting the Mediterranean and engaged in the slave trade Christians. Spain and the North American Union, which themselves at the time could boast of achievements in the field of the slave trade, declared a war without thank you the infamy of the Muslims. The French Revolution also preached a crusade against lawlessness in Algeria. France had therefore undertaken the conquest of Algeria in proclaiming the slogans of the struggle against slavery and the establishment of civilization. The practice was soon to show what lay behind these words. We know that during the forty years since the conquest of Algeria, no European state has changed as often in political regime than France. At the Restoration had replaced the July Revolution and the bourgeois monarchy, it was driven by February Revolution, which was followed by the Second Republic, Second Empire, and finally to the debacle of 1870 and the Third Republic. The nobility, high finance, the petty bourgeoisie, the broad strata of the middle class is yielded successive ¬ ment political power. But French policy in Algeria remained unchanged throughout these vicissitudes, she remained focused from beginning to end towards the same goal: at the edge of the African desert she found the focus of all the political upheavals in France in the nineteenth century: domination of the bourgeoisie and its capitalist form of ownership.
June 30, 1873 MP Humbert, Rapporteur of the Commission for the rule ¬ ment of the agricultural situation in Algeria, told a meeting of the Board: "The bill we are proposing for your consideration is nothing but the culmination of building whose foundation was laid by a series of orders, decrees, laws and senatus consulta, which all together and each individual the same goal: the establishment of private property among the Arabs. "The destruction
and sharing systematic and conscious of collective ownership is the goal and pole orientation of French colonial policy for half a century, whatever storms that rocked domestic politics. It served a dual purpose in that clearly recognized.
He had to destroy the collective ownership primarily to kill the power of Arab families as social organizations, and break the stubborn resistance against French rule, this resistance manifested itself, despite the superiority of French military power, by constant tribal revolts , resulting in a permanent state of war in the colony [2]. In addition
ruin of collective ownership was a prerequisite economic domination of the conquered country, it was necessary to wrest from the Arab lands they owned for a millennium to entrust the hands of the French capitalists. To this end we played this same fiction, we already know that the earth belongs, in accordance with Muslim law, holders of political power. Like the British in India, Governors of Louis Philippe in Algeria declared "impossible" the existence of collective property of large families. On the basis of this fiction, most cultivated land, particularly ¬ tion commons, forests and grasslands were declared state property and used for purposes of colonization. We built a whole system of quarters by which the French colonists settled in the midst of indigenous territories, while the tribes themselves found themselves parked in a territory minimized. The decrees of 1830, 1831, 1840, 1844, 1845 and 1846, "legalized" theft of these lands belonging to Arab tribes. But this system does nothing cantonments colonization. He simply gave free rein to speculation and usury. Most of the time, arranged for the Arabs to buy land they were stolen, which of course forced them into debt. The tax burden French accentuated this trend. In particular the Act of June 16, 1851, which declared state forest areas, and flew 2.4 million hectares of grassland and scrub depriving tribes of herders livelihood. This avalanche of laws, decrees, orders and gave rise to an indescribable confusion in the regulations of the property. To exploit the fever of speculation in land and hope soon to recover their land, many natives sold their lands to the French, but they often sold the same land to two or three buyers at a time, sometimes it was an area that was not their own, but was the common and inalienable property of their tribe. Thus a company for speculative thought he had bought at Rouen 20 000 hectares of land, whereas in reality it had a title - questionable - property for a batch of 1 370 hectares. Another time, a plot of 1230 hectares was reduced after the sale and sharing of 2 hectares. There followed an endless series of trials, where the courts were right in principle to all claims buyers and met all the shares. The insecurity of the situation, speculation, usury and anarchy spread universally. But the plan of the French government, which wanted to ensure the support of a powerful mass of French settlers in the middle of the Arab population, failed miserably. That is why the French policy under the Second Empire changed tactics: the government, after thirty years denied the collective ownership of tribes, was obliged, under the pressure of events, to officially recognize the existence, but a single stroke of the pen he proclaimed the need to share power. The senatus-consulte of April 22, 1863 has this double meaning: "The government, said the Allard in the Senate, do not overlook the common goal of policy is to weaken the influence of tribal leaders and dissolve these tribes. In this way the last remnants of feudalism (!) Will be removed, opponents of the government project are the defenders of feudalism ... The institution of private property, installation of French settlers in the mid-Arab tribes will be the means ... safer to accelerate the process of dissolution of the tribes [3]. "For
to partition the land, the law of 1863 established special committees composed as follows: a brigadier general or capi ¬ tain as president, then a sub-prefect, an employee of Arab military authorities and an official of the Administration Areas. These experts all designated African economic and social issues had a threefold task: he must first delimit the borders of the territories of the tribes, then spread the domain of each tribe among the various branches of large families, then divide the land their family themselves into small individual plots. The expedition of Generals Brigadier was punctually executed inside Algeria. The commission went on site. They played both the role of surveyors, distributors plots, in addition, judges in all disputes which arose over land. It was the governor general of Algeria confirm ultimately allocation plan. Ten years of hard work of commissions resulted in the following result: from 1863 to 1873, 700 properties on the Arab tribes, 400 were distributed among the major families. Here was already the seeds of future inequality between the great land and small subdivisions, because according to the size of the lots and the number of tribal members, each member was assigned earlier plots of 1 to 4 hectares of land sometimes 100 and sometimes even 180 hectares. The division of land, however did not go any further. Despite the generals of brigade, the manners of Arabs offered insurmountable resistance subsequent sharing of family land. The goal of French policy: the establishment of private property and transfer of this property to the French, was thus once again failed in all. Only the Third
Republic, official regime of the bourgeoisie, found the courage and cynicism to the point and attack the problem head on without the burden of preliminary steps. In 1873, the Assembly drafted a law whose stated goal was the immediate sharing of land of 700 Arab tribes into individual plots, the introduction of private property by force. The pretext of this law was the desperate situation that prevailed in the colony. He had formerly been the great famine of 1866 to illuminate Indian public opinion in England on the beautiful results of the English colonial policy and cause the establishment of a parliamentary commission to investigate the disastrous situation in India. Similarly, in the late 1860s, Europe was alarmed by the cries of distress of Algeria, where forty years of French rule were reflected in the collective starvation and a staggeringly high mortality rates among Arabs. It brings together a commission to study the causes and impact of new laws on the Arab population and the investigation led to the unanimous conclusion that the only measure that could save the Arabs was the establishment of property private. Indeed, private property would only sell to every Arab and mortgaging his land and thus save it from ruin. It was declared as the only way to relieve the misery of the Arabs who were indebted because the French had stolen their land and were subject to heavy tax system was to deliver the hands of usurers. This farce was exposed to the House with the utmost seriousness and worthy members of the Assembly welcomed him with equal severity. The winners of the Paris Commune triumphed without shame.
The House relied primarily on two arguments in support the new law. Lawyers for the government bill tirelessly repeated that the Arabs themselves were eager introduction of private property. In the end they wanted, especially land speculators and usurers Algerian, who had the greatest interest to "liberate" their victims protecting tribal ties and solidarity. As long as Islamic law in force in Algeria, the properties of tribes and families remained inalienable, which pitted insurmountable difficulties in the mortgage of land. It was now completely abolish the obstacle to give free rein to wear. The second argument was of a "scientific". It was part of the intellectual arsenal when the Honourable James Mill drew when spread out the evidence of his ignorance of Indian property system: the classical English political economy. The disciples of Smith and Ricardo proclaimed emphatically that private property is the necessary condition of any intensive cultivation of the soil in Algeria, which alone would be able to suppress hunger and it is indeed obvious that nobody wants to invest its capital or make a expense of intensive work in a land that does not belong and he can only taste the products. But the facts speak another language. They showed that speculators were using French private property, established by them in Algeria, to any purpose other than more intensive cultivation and improved land use. In 1873, about 400,000 hectares of land belonging to the French, 120,000 hectares were in the hands of capitalist companies, the Algerian company and the Society of Setif, they, far from cultivating their own land, farmed out to the natives , who cultivated by traditional methods. A quarter of the remaining French owners were not interested equal ¬ ment of Agriculture. It was impossible to create artificially capital investment and intensive methods of cultivation, as it is impossible to create conditions capitalists from scratch. These were dreams born of the imagination greedy speculators French doctrinal confusion and their ideologues, the classical economists. Leaving aside excuses and ornaments by which they wanted to justify the act of 1873, it was just the undisguised desire to strip the Arabs of their land, which was the basis of their existence. Despite all the poverty of argument and the apparent hypocrisy of its justification, the law that would ruin the Algerian population and destroy its material prosperity was voted almost unanimously July 26, 1873.
However, this policy of brigandage would fail before long. The Third Republic was not able to carry out the difficult policy which was to substitute a blow to the ancestral family ties communist bourgeois private property. The Second Empire had also failed. In 1890, the Act of 1873, completed by 28 April 1887, having been used for seventeen years, we had the following result: they had spent 14 million francs to develop 1.6 million hectares of land. It was calculated that this method should be continued until 1950 and would have cost 60 million francs. However, the aim was to abolish the tribal communism, has not yet been reached. The only result we reached was clearly rampant land speculation, usury and the destruction of flourishing native. Since
had failed to establish by force of private property, they tried a new experience. Although by 1890, laws of 1873 and 1887 have been studied and condemned by a commission established by the general government of Algeria, seven years passed before lawmakers on the banks of the Seine had the courage to undertake a reform in the interests of the country ruined. The new policy abandoned the principle of the introduction of private property enforced through administrative methods. The Act of February 27, 1897 and the statement of the general government of Algeria from March 7, 1898 provide for the establishment of private property will be primarily at the request of owners or purchasers [4]. However, some
clause allowed only one home-owner private property without needing the consent of the owners of the land, in addition, at all times, the pressure could be exerted on the usurer owners indebted push for accession to the "voluntary" on the property, so the new Act provided weapons to the French and native capitalists continue to decay and plunder the territories of the tribes and large families.
The mutilation of Algeria lasted for eighty years, the Arabs oppose today the less resistance they have since the submission of Tunisia in 1881 and more recently in Morocco, increasingly surrounded by the French capital and is delivered to him bound hand and foot. The final impact of French policy in Algeria is the mass emigration of Arabs in Turkey in Asia [5].
[1] "Almost always the father dying recommends his descendants live in the ownership, following the example of their ancestors: that is his final exhortation and his dearest wish. "(A. Hanotaux and A. Letourneux, La Kabylie Kabyle and customs, 1873, Volume 2, Civil Law, pp. 468-473.) Authors have the gall to preface this description the following comment: "In the laborious hive family all associated together for a common purpose, all work in a general interest but no abdicate its freedom and renouncing his hereditary rights. In no nation are found only combination that is closer to equality and further away from communism! "
[2]" We must hurry - the member said Didier, Rapporteur of the Commission at a meeting of the House in 1851 - to dissolve the family associations, because they are the lever all opposition against black domination. "
[3] Quoted by Kowalesky, op. cit., p. 217. As is known, it is customary in France since the revolution of branding all opposition to the government as an open apology or indirect "feudalism."
[4] See GK Anton, Neuere und Tunesien Algerien Agrarpolitik in, Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 1900, p. 1341 et seq.
[5] In his speech of July 20, 1912 before the Chamber of Deputies, the rapporteur of the commission for the reform of citizenship (that is to say, the administrative justice) in Algeria, Albin Rozet, bed state of emigration of thousands of Algerians in Setif district. He reported that last year, a month, 1,200 natives had emigrated from Tlemcen. The purpose of emigration is Syria. One emigrant wrote of his new homeland: "I am determined now to Damascus and I am perfectly happy. We are here in Syria, many Algerians, migrants like myself, the government gives us land and the means to cultivate it. The Government of Algeria's fight against emigration as follows: he refused passports (see Official Journal of 21 May 1912, p. 1594 et seq.).
by Rosa Luxemburg (1913)
Extract from the accumulation of capital, by Rosa Luxemburg. It is probably this excerpt that was published in The Flame (No. 5, November 1945) (transplanted on the site The Battle Socialist)
Besides British India and his martyrdom, Algeria French politics under the rule has a place of honor in the annals of colonial capitalist economy. When the French conquered Algeria, the mass of the Kabyle population was dominated by social and economic institutions very old and, through the turbulent history of the country, continued into the nineteenth century and in part to today. Doubtless it was private property in cities among the Moors and Jews, among merchants, artisans and moneylenders. Without doubt the Turkish suzerainty had it confiscated in the campaign of large stretches of land ¬ due as areas of state. However almost half of the cultivated land remained collectively owned Kabyle Arab tribes who guarded the ancient patriarchal customs. Many Arab tribes in the nineteenth century were leading the same nomadic life they had always led, and that seems unstable and disorderly at a superficial glance, but which in reality is strictly regulated and often monotonous, each summer, with women and children, taking the herds and tents, they emigrated to the coastal region of Tell, the climate cooled by the wind, and brought them back each winter to heat protector of the desert. Every tribe and every family had their specific routes, and stations in winter or summer when they pitched their tents were fixed. Similarly, in the Arab farmers, the land was mostly owned collective tribes. The family also had Kabyle patriarchal customs and lived according to traditional rules under the leadership of its elected leaders.
In this large family circle, the common direction of domestic affairs was entrusted to the oldest woman, who could be elected by the other family members, or to each woman in turn. The organiza ¬ tion of the great family Kabyle along the African desert like curious ¬ ment to "zadruga" South Slavic countries, the family had in common not only the land but all the tools, weapons and money necessary professional activities of its members and purchased by them. Each man had his own a single dress, and every woman just clothing and jewelry she had received as a wedding gift. But all the clothes and most precious jewels were considered joint property of the family and could be worn by each member with the permission of all. If the family was small, she took his meals at a communal table, the women were cooking in turns, and older women were responsible for serving dishes. If the family circle was too large, chief of the tribe distributes a monthly ration of food not prepared, dividing them with a strict equality between the various families, who were responsible for preparing them. These communities were united by ties of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance, and patriarchs were accustomed to recommend to their dying son to remain faithful to the community [1].
The Turkish rule in Algeria who had settled in the sixteenth century had already made serious cuts in the social organization. However it was the French who invented the legend that the Turks have confiscated all land for the benefit of the treasury. Only Europeans could imagine an idea as absurd, which is in contradiction with all the economic foundations of Islam and believers. Instead the Turks generally respected the collective ownership of villages and large families. Are resumed only families with a large proportion of uncultivated lands and transform them into areas of State (beyliks) which, under the guidance of local Turkish administrators were either managed directly by the state with the help of a hand -Manpower native or farmed in exchange for a lease or royalty in kind. In addition Turks took advantage of every rebel tribes submitted and each disorder in the country to see more tax areas by land confiscations, and founded colonies military or selling at public auction the goods seized, which generally fell into the hands of Turkish or other moneylenders. To escape the forfeiture or the tax burden. many peasants placed themselves, as in the Middle Ages in Germany, under the protection of the Church, who thus became owner of huge estates. Finally, the distribution of properties in Algeria presented itself, after all these vicissitudes, as follows: areas of State included 1.5 million hectares of land of 3 million hectares of uncultivated land also belonged to the state as "common property of all believers" (corn el Islam); 3,000,000 hectares were the private property of the Berbers, since Roman times, in addition, under Turkish rule, 1.5 million hectares had become private property. Arab tribes guarding indivisio 5,000,000 hectares. As for the Sahara, it comprised about 3 million hectares of farmland in the oasis, which belonged either to fields managed collectively by large families, or private domains. The 23 million hectares remaining were virtually deserted.
After the conquest of Algeria the French made big noise about their work of civilization. We know that Algeria, which was issued in the early eighteenth century from Turkish rule, had become a den of pirates infesting the Mediterranean and engaged in the slave trade Christians. Spain and the North American Union, which themselves at the time could boast of achievements in the field of the slave trade, declared a war without thank you the infamy of the Muslims. The French Revolution also preached a crusade against lawlessness in Algeria. France had therefore undertaken the conquest of Algeria in proclaiming the slogans of the struggle against slavery and the establishment of civilization. The practice was soon to show what lay behind these words. We know that during the forty years since the conquest of Algeria, no European state has changed as often in political regime than France. At the Restoration had replaced the July Revolution and the bourgeois monarchy, it was driven by February Revolution, which was followed by the Second Republic, Second Empire, and finally to the debacle of 1870 and the Third Republic. The nobility, high finance, the petty bourgeoisie, the broad strata of the middle class is yielded successive ¬ ment political power. But French policy in Algeria remained unchanged throughout these vicissitudes, she remained focused from beginning to end towards the same goal: at the edge of the African desert she found the focus of all the political upheavals in France in the nineteenth century: domination of the bourgeoisie and its capitalist form of ownership.
June 30, 1873 MP Humbert, Rapporteur of the Commission for the rule ¬ ment of the agricultural situation in Algeria, told a meeting of the Board: "The bill we are proposing for your consideration is nothing but the culmination of building whose foundation was laid by a series of orders, decrees, laws and senatus consulta, which all together and each individual the same goal: the establishment of private property among the Arabs. "The destruction
and sharing systematic and conscious of collective ownership is the goal and pole orientation of French colonial policy for half a century, whatever storms that rocked domestic politics. It served a dual purpose in that clearly recognized.
He had to destroy the collective ownership primarily to kill the power of Arab families as social organizations, and break the stubborn resistance against French rule, this resistance manifested itself, despite the superiority of French military power, by constant tribal revolts , resulting in a permanent state of war in the colony [2]. In addition
ruin of collective ownership was a prerequisite economic domination of the conquered country, it was necessary to wrest from the Arab lands they owned for a millennium to entrust the hands of the French capitalists. To this end we played this same fiction, we already know that the earth belongs, in accordance with Muslim law, holders of political power. Like the British in India, Governors of Louis Philippe in Algeria declared "impossible" the existence of collective property of large families. On the basis of this fiction, most cultivated land, particularly ¬ tion commons, forests and grasslands were declared state property and used for purposes of colonization. We built a whole system of quarters by which the French colonists settled in the midst of indigenous territories, while the tribes themselves found themselves parked in a territory minimized. The decrees of 1830, 1831, 1840, 1844, 1845 and 1846, "legalized" theft of these lands belonging to Arab tribes. But this system does nothing cantonments colonization. He simply gave free rein to speculation and usury. Most of the time, arranged for the Arabs to buy land they were stolen, which of course forced them into debt. The tax burden French accentuated this trend. In particular the Act of June 16, 1851, which declared state forest areas, and flew 2.4 million hectares of grassland and scrub depriving tribes of herders livelihood. This avalanche of laws, decrees, orders and gave rise to an indescribable confusion in the regulations of the property. To exploit the fever of speculation in land and hope soon to recover their land, many natives sold their lands to the French, but they often sold the same land to two or three buyers at a time, sometimes it was an area that was not their own, but was the common and inalienable property of their tribe. Thus a company for speculative thought he had bought at Rouen 20 000 hectares of land, whereas in reality it had a title - questionable - property for a batch of 1 370 hectares. Another time, a plot of 1230 hectares was reduced after the sale and sharing of 2 hectares. There followed an endless series of trials, where the courts were right in principle to all claims buyers and met all the shares. The insecurity of the situation, speculation, usury and anarchy spread universally. But the plan of the French government, which wanted to ensure the support of a powerful mass of French settlers in the middle of the Arab population, failed miserably. That is why the French policy under the Second Empire changed tactics: the government, after thirty years denied the collective ownership of tribes, was obliged, under the pressure of events, to officially recognize the existence, but a single stroke of the pen he proclaimed the need to share power. The senatus-consulte of April 22, 1863 has this double meaning: "The government, said the Allard in the Senate, do not overlook the common goal of policy is to weaken the influence of tribal leaders and dissolve these tribes. In this way the last remnants of feudalism (!) Will be removed, opponents of the government project are the defenders of feudalism ... The institution of private property, installation of French settlers in the mid-Arab tribes will be the means ... safer to accelerate the process of dissolution of the tribes [3]. "For
to partition the land, the law of 1863 established special committees composed as follows: a brigadier general or capi ¬ tain as president, then a sub-prefect, an employee of Arab military authorities and an official of the Administration Areas. These experts all designated African economic and social issues had a threefold task: he must first delimit the borders of the territories of the tribes, then spread the domain of each tribe among the various branches of large families, then divide the land their family themselves into small individual plots. The expedition of Generals Brigadier was punctually executed inside Algeria. The commission went on site. They played both the role of surveyors, distributors plots, in addition, judges in all disputes which arose over land. It was the governor general of Algeria confirm ultimately allocation plan. Ten years of hard work of commissions resulted in the following result: from 1863 to 1873, 700 properties on the Arab tribes, 400 were distributed among the major families. Here was already the seeds of future inequality between the great land and small subdivisions, because according to the size of the lots and the number of tribal members, each member was assigned earlier plots of 1 to 4 hectares of land sometimes 100 and sometimes even 180 hectares. The division of land, however did not go any further. Despite the generals of brigade, the manners of Arabs offered insurmountable resistance subsequent sharing of family land. The goal of French policy: the establishment of private property and transfer of this property to the French, was thus once again failed in all. Only the Third
Republic, official regime of the bourgeoisie, found the courage and cynicism to the point and attack the problem head on without the burden of preliminary steps. In 1873, the Assembly drafted a law whose stated goal was the immediate sharing of land of 700 Arab tribes into individual plots, the introduction of private property by force. The pretext of this law was the desperate situation that prevailed in the colony. He had formerly been the great famine of 1866 to illuminate Indian public opinion in England on the beautiful results of the English colonial policy and cause the establishment of a parliamentary commission to investigate the disastrous situation in India. Similarly, in the late 1860s, Europe was alarmed by the cries of distress of Algeria, where forty years of French rule were reflected in the collective starvation and a staggeringly high mortality rates among Arabs. It brings together a commission to study the causes and impact of new laws on the Arab population and the investigation led to the unanimous conclusion that the only measure that could save the Arabs was the establishment of property private. Indeed, private property would only sell to every Arab and mortgaging his land and thus save it from ruin. It was declared as the only way to relieve the misery of the Arabs who were indebted because the French had stolen their land and were subject to heavy tax system was to deliver the hands of usurers. This farce was exposed to the House with the utmost seriousness and worthy members of the Assembly welcomed him with equal severity. The winners of the Paris Commune triumphed without shame.
The House relied primarily on two arguments in support the new law. Lawyers for the government bill tirelessly repeated that the Arabs themselves were eager introduction of private property. In the end they wanted, especially land speculators and usurers Algerian, who had the greatest interest to "liberate" their victims protecting tribal ties and solidarity. As long as Islamic law in force in Algeria, the properties of tribes and families remained inalienable, which pitted insurmountable difficulties in the mortgage of land. It was now completely abolish the obstacle to give free rein to wear. The second argument was of a "scientific". It was part of the intellectual arsenal when the Honourable James Mill drew when spread out the evidence of his ignorance of Indian property system: the classical English political economy. The disciples of Smith and Ricardo proclaimed emphatically that private property is the necessary condition of any intensive cultivation of the soil in Algeria, which alone would be able to suppress hunger and it is indeed obvious that nobody wants to invest its capital or make a expense of intensive work in a land that does not belong and he can only taste the products. But the facts speak another language. They showed that speculators were using French private property, established by them in Algeria, to any purpose other than more intensive cultivation and improved land use. In 1873, about 400,000 hectares of land belonging to the French, 120,000 hectares were in the hands of capitalist companies, the Algerian company and the Society of Setif, they, far from cultivating their own land, farmed out to the natives , who cultivated by traditional methods. A quarter of the remaining French owners were not interested equal ¬ ment of Agriculture. It was impossible to create artificially capital investment and intensive methods of cultivation, as it is impossible to create conditions capitalists from scratch. These were dreams born of the imagination greedy speculators French doctrinal confusion and their ideologues, the classical economists. Leaving aside excuses and ornaments by which they wanted to justify the act of 1873, it was just the undisguised desire to strip the Arabs of their land, which was the basis of their existence. Despite all the poverty of argument and the apparent hypocrisy of its justification, the law that would ruin the Algerian population and destroy its material prosperity was voted almost unanimously July 26, 1873.
However, this policy of brigandage would fail before long. The Third Republic was not able to carry out the difficult policy which was to substitute a blow to the ancestral family ties communist bourgeois private property. The Second Empire had also failed. In 1890, the Act of 1873, completed by 28 April 1887, having been used for seventeen years, we had the following result: they had spent 14 million francs to develop 1.6 million hectares of land. It was calculated that this method should be continued until 1950 and would have cost 60 million francs. However, the aim was to abolish the tribal communism, has not yet been reached. The only result we reached was clearly rampant land speculation, usury and the destruction of flourishing native. Since
had failed to establish by force of private property, they tried a new experience. Although by 1890, laws of 1873 and 1887 have been studied and condemned by a commission established by the general government of Algeria, seven years passed before lawmakers on the banks of the Seine had the courage to undertake a reform in the interests of the country ruined. The new policy abandoned the principle of the introduction of private property enforced through administrative methods. The Act of February 27, 1897 and the statement of the general government of Algeria from March 7, 1898 provide for the establishment of private property will be primarily at the request of owners or purchasers [4]. However, some
clause allowed only one home-owner private property without needing the consent of the owners of the land, in addition, at all times, the pressure could be exerted on the usurer owners indebted push for accession to the "voluntary" on the property, so the new Act provided weapons to the French and native capitalists continue to decay and plunder the territories of the tribes and large families.
The mutilation of Algeria lasted for eighty years, the Arabs oppose today the less resistance they have since the submission of Tunisia in 1881 and more recently in Morocco, increasingly surrounded by the French capital and is delivered to him bound hand and foot. The final impact of French policy in Algeria is the mass emigration of Arabs in Turkey in Asia [5].
[1] "Almost always the father dying recommends his descendants live in the ownership, following the example of their ancestors: that is his final exhortation and his dearest wish. "(A. Hanotaux and A. Letourneux, La Kabylie Kabyle and customs, 1873, Volume 2, Civil Law, pp. 468-473.) Authors have the gall to preface this description the following comment: "In the laborious hive family all associated together for a common purpose, all work in a general interest but no abdicate its freedom and renouncing his hereditary rights. In no nation are found only combination that is closer to equality and further away from communism! "
[2]" We must hurry - the member said Didier, Rapporteur of the Commission at a meeting of the House in 1851 - to dissolve the family associations, because they are the lever all opposition against black domination. "
[3] Quoted by Kowalesky, op. cit., p. 217. As is known, it is customary in France since the revolution of branding all opposition to the government as an open apology or indirect "feudalism."
[4] See GK Anton, Neuere und Tunesien Algerien Agrarpolitik in, Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 1900, p. 1341 et seq.
[5] In his speech of July 20, 1912 before the Chamber of Deputies, the rapporteur of the commission for the reform of citizenship (that is to say, the administrative justice) in Algeria, Albin Rozet, bed state of emigration of thousands of Algerians in Setif district. He reported that last year, a month, 1,200 natives had emigrated from Tlemcen. The purpose of emigration is Syria. One emigrant wrote of his new homeland: "I am determined now to Damascus and I am perfectly happy. We are here in Syria, many Algerians, migrants like myself, the government gives us land and the means to cultivate it. The Government of Algeria's fight against emigration as follows: he refused passports (see Official Journal of 21 May 1912, p. 1594 et seq.).
Cover Letter For Future Vacancies
the 40th day of the revolution and socialism Nationalism Tunisian
January 26 by Fathi Chamkhi
Presentation (JLR): Fathi Chamkhi was kind enough to give me this information you can find on his site (I validated his comment that reproduces the text, but lest you do not read point, I put it under the nose). I added pronouncements acknowledging the Tunisian people. I do not agree with the qualifier of revolution because revolution means obviously calving of the bourgeois state, disarmament of the armed forces of the bourgeoisie, and election of workers councils and arming of the proletariat. Comrade Fathi who apparently advocates in the ranks Attac seems to have illusions about the ability of bourgeois restoration of soft UGTT union collaboration. But nothing prevents us from confronting our news and opinions. I still, even to go wrong couch, to reaffirm with Rosa Luxemburg and Paul Mattick, the solution is not in Tunisia, but in this warm wind that rises from Egypt to Yemen, and I hope deeply Algeria to France. We have solutions internationalists outside national ruts. I hope a call from Tunisia to the international proletariat to assert that:
- The proletarians have no country or religion,
- Neither Western oligarchical model, or Islamo-fascist model, ADVICE proletarians ENJOY! BREAKING THE BOUNDARIES!
Dear friend-es,
Here the political situation in Tunisia Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 17:30
Listed cons
a revolution. RCD militia attacked yesterday seats UGTT Sousse and Gafsa.
Today, it was the turn of the El Kef, among others.
2. Of pro-government organized small gatherings, to demand the return to work, cons, and I quote 'laziness' and to say no to 'mess' ...
3. The Gun is reluctant to announce the redesign it was announced yesterday and for today ... It seems that the president of the Bar Association has asked the Kilani GUN wait to see what will happen to the talks taking place under the auspices of 'UGTT. Listed
1. Continued strikes to demand the dissolution of the 'Government of National Unity "(GNU) and the RCD and the establishment of a' provisional government 'representative of the revolution: General strike
regional in 5 governorates (provinces) which Sfax second largest city in Tunisia.
Tomorrow, Sidi Bouzid is on strike General
Tomorrow too, nationwide general strike in secondary education.
2. PROTESTS: Protests continue
everywhere. In Tunis, the palace of the first minister is always under siege. Tents representing various cities revolutionaries, are planted by the participants of the 'caravan of freedom' in the place of El Casbah, the first minister's seat. In addition, the supply of thousands of protesters, who have already spent three nights under the stars with a minimum temperature of 8 ° is ensured by a multitude of citizens who have continued to go back and fro to fill the vital needs of the camp food and water. It is, everybody has understood the revolutionary guard the gains of the revolution. Some citizens are even dozens of miles to bring them supplies as packs of milk and / or packs of water, sandwiches, hot dishes well, juice, coffee ...
3. On the government of the revolution:
Today's meeting, the various political and civil and professional, business and non-RCD, led to two positions:
ü That of the Bar Association, appears with Does a recomposition of maintaining GUN of Ghannouchi. It also seems that the Gun is ready to further concessions and would, according to rumors 'informed sources' in addition to the two ministers Ghannouchi current industry (Jouini) and Chelbi (Minister?)
ü A second proposal was made, about which I have much more details because I am one, which emanates from the 'Front of January 14, which consists of various constituents of the radical left and nationalists in summarized this proposal moved
The convening of a 'National Congress for the Defence of the Revolution' which will include all political, associations, professional bodies (lawyers, judges, doctors, journalists, artists ...), representatives of local and regional committees for defense of the revolution, independent figures, not the employers nor the RCD and former members of govt Ben Ali.
Recognition of acting president as 'guarantor of the continuity of the state' but also 'a source of legitimacy for the transitional government'!! Dissolution of
Establishment of a Provisional Govt
principle of popular sovereignty
Assembly Constituent ...
The Administrative Commission of the UGTT will meet tomorrow to consider the two proposals, and to react to the anti-UGTT, including RCD militia attacks against some of its local region.
All components have been given a new appointment for Thursday, January 28 to try to go out with a unified position.
Fathi Chamkhi
Tunisian people: thank you!
January 23 by Jawad Moustakbal
the evening of Jan. 14, when I was watching the news on TV and the resumption of Speech of former Tunisian president when he borrowed the famous "I have understood you" General de Gaulle, I said it again, a dirty maneuver to calm the protesters and silence the extraordinary revolution the Tunisian people. My ignorance of the current situation in Tunisia, the strength of his youth and his determination was certainly the cause of my fears, since even before the end of this news magazine, we are informed that the 'great' dictator , which shook nearly everyone in Tunisia, has fled like a little thug coward. A movement mainly
against "hogra"
"hogra" political
If the young Tunisian become martyr and national hero, Mohamed ELBOUAZIZI took this decision suicidal self-immolation is mostly the cons hogra representatives felt that this scheme repressive. Living in Sidi Bouzid, a city of 40,000 inhabitants located in central-west of Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi had to quit high school after the anticipated death of his father who was a farm laborer. In peddler of fruits and vegetables, it took the heavy responsibility of a family of 7 children. Like its counterparts across the region Maghreb Mohamed is regularly confiscate his goods by the police, insulted and humiliated every time he tries to return. That day, he had had enough! If
disputes, that began with dozens of protesters in the small town have expanded to thousands of Protestants across the country is that all the Tunisian people, with its women and men, young and old, has identified Mohamed ELBOUAZIZI and wanted to say "Basta" Enough!
23 years of dictatorship: Enough!, 23 years of humiliation enough!, 23 years of state Exception where a simple meeting, a sit-in demonstration are repressed in the blood and the example of the mining area Rdayef and more eloquent!
"hogra" economic
If the IFIs, and headed the WB and IMF, do not miss the opportunity to present Tunisia as a model for countries in the region, the Tunisian people suffered This time around the economic mafia ousted president and his wife. When the Tunisian bourgeoisie accumulated wealth, youth had more difficulty finding steady employment and dignified. A revolution
at the right time
This revolution is a reminder that the history of the Maghreb region is not over yet and it will be written and invented by these activists, these women and men humble, impoverished, repressed but still proud . The revolution is no longer a myth or wishful thinking, with the new Tunisian model, it is again possible and necessary for the emancipation of all peoples of the region.
With the struggle of the Tunisian people the word "revolution" becomes relevant, regains its strength, it is no longer a taboo reserved, as they tried to submit to a handful of nostalgic dreamers ... we are part of the word has been democratized and reclaimed by the people ...
With your struggle, Sisters and Brothers Tunisian youth has regained its rightful place at center stage politics, real politics, a policy that is exerted on the field every day and everywhere in the streets and in institutions, not the caricatures of elections in which we are invited every 5 years!
With your revolution, dear brothers and sisters Tunisian we found a compass that we need both to guide our struggle towards our emancipation total political, economic and cultural as peoples.
With your revolution, our hopes are reborn, we Let us renew our dreams and we reload our batteries to continue our struggle. Dear brothers and sisters
Tunisia: thank you!
hope that you lead your revolution to the end and we started our own!
Jawad - 18-01-2011
January 26 by Fathi Chamkhi
Presentation (JLR): Fathi Chamkhi was kind enough to give me this information you can find on his site (I validated his comment that reproduces the text, but lest you do not read point, I put it under the nose). I added pronouncements acknowledging the Tunisian people. I do not agree with the qualifier of revolution because revolution means obviously calving of the bourgeois state, disarmament of the armed forces of the bourgeoisie, and election of workers councils and arming of the proletariat. Comrade Fathi who apparently advocates in the ranks Attac seems to have illusions about the ability of bourgeois restoration of soft UGTT union collaboration. But nothing prevents us from confronting our news and opinions. I still, even to go wrong couch, to reaffirm with Rosa Luxemburg and Paul Mattick, the solution is not in Tunisia, but in this warm wind that rises from Egypt to Yemen, and I hope deeply Algeria to France. We have solutions internationalists outside national ruts. I hope a call from Tunisia to the international proletariat to assert that:
- The proletarians have no country or religion,
- Neither Western oligarchical model, or Islamo-fascist model, ADVICE proletarians ENJOY! BREAKING THE BOUNDARIES!
Dear friend-es,
Here the political situation in Tunisia Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 17:30
Listed cons
a revolution. RCD militia attacked yesterday seats UGTT Sousse and Gafsa.
Today, it was the turn of the El Kef, among others.
2. Of pro-government organized small gatherings, to demand the return to work, cons, and I quote 'laziness' and to say no to 'mess' ...
3. The Gun is reluctant to announce the redesign it was announced yesterday and for today ... It seems that the president of the Bar Association has asked the Kilani GUN wait to see what will happen to the talks taking place under the auspices of 'UGTT. Listed
1. Continued strikes to demand the dissolution of the 'Government of National Unity "(GNU) and the RCD and the establishment of a' provisional government 'representative of the revolution: General strike
regional in 5 governorates (provinces) which Sfax second largest city in Tunisia.
Tomorrow, Sidi Bouzid is on strike General
Tomorrow too, nationwide general strike in secondary education.
2. PROTESTS: Protests continue
everywhere. In Tunis, the palace of the first minister is always under siege. Tents representing various cities revolutionaries, are planted by the participants of the 'caravan of freedom' in the place of El Casbah, the first minister's seat. In addition, the supply of thousands of protesters, who have already spent three nights under the stars with a minimum temperature of 8 ° is ensured by a multitude of citizens who have continued to go back and fro to fill the vital needs of the camp food and water. It is, everybody has understood the revolutionary guard the gains of the revolution. Some citizens are even dozens of miles to bring them supplies as packs of milk and / or packs of water, sandwiches, hot dishes well, juice, coffee ...
3. On the government of the revolution:
Today's meeting, the various political and civil and professional, business and non-RCD, led to two positions:
ü That of the Bar Association, appears with Does a recomposition of maintaining GUN of Ghannouchi. It also seems that the Gun is ready to further concessions and would, according to rumors 'informed sources' in addition to the two ministers Ghannouchi current industry (Jouini) and Chelbi (Minister?)
ü A second proposal was made, about which I have much more details because I am one, which emanates from the 'Front of January 14, which consists of various constituents of the radical left and nationalists in summarized this proposal moved
The convening of a 'National Congress for the Defence of the Revolution' which will include all political, associations, professional bodies (lawyers, judges, doctors, journalists, artists ...), representatives of local and regional committees for defense of the revolution, independent figures, not the employers nor the RCD and former members of govt Ben Ali.
Recognition of acting president as 'guarantor of the continuity of the state' but also 'a source of legitimacy for the transitional government'!! Dissolution of
Establishment of a Provisional Govt
principle of popular sovereignty
Assembly Constituent ...
The Administrative Commission of the UGTT will meet tomorrow to consider the two proposals, and to react to the anti-UGTT, including RCD militia attacks against some of its local region.
All components have been given a new appointment for Thursday, January 28 to try to go out with a unified position.
Fathi Chamkhi
Tunisian people: thank you!
January 23 by Jawad Moustakbal
the evening of Jan. 14, when I was watching the news on TV and the resumption of Speech of former Tunisian president when he borrowed the famous "I have understood you" General de Gaulle, I said it again, a dirty maneuver to calm the protesters and silence the extraordinary revolution the Tunisian people. My ignorance of the current situation in Tunisia, the strength of his youth and his determination was certainly the cause of my fears, since even before the end of this news magazine, we are informed that the 'great' dictator , which shook nearly everyone in Tunisia, has fled like a little thug coward. A movement mainly
against "hogra"
"hogra" political
If the young Tunisian become martyr and national hero, Mohamed ELBOUAZIZI took this decision suicidal self-immolation is mostly the cons hogra representatives felt that this scheme repressive. Living in Sidi Bouzid, a city of 40,000 inhabitants located in central-west of Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi had to quit high school after the anticipated death of his father who was a farm laborer. In peddler of fruits and vegetables, it took the heavy responsibility of a family of 7 children. Like its counterparts across the region Maghreb Mohamed is regularly confiscate his goods by the police, insulted and humiliated every time he tries to return. That day, he had had enough! If
disputes, that began with dozens of protesters in the small town have expanded to thousands of Protestants across the country is that all the Tunisian people, with its women and men, young and old, has identified Mohamed ELBOUAZIZI and wanted to say "Basta" Enough!
23 years of dictatorship: Enough!, 23 years of humiliation enough!, 23 years of state Exception where a simple meeting, a sit-in demonstration are repressed in the blood and the example of the mining area Rdayef and more eloquent!
"hogra" economic
If the IFIs, and headed the WB and IMF, do not miss the opportunity to present Tunisia as a model for countries in the region, the Tunisian people suffered This time around the economic mafia ousted president and his wife. When the Tunisian bourgeoisie accumulated wealth, youth had more difficulty finding steady employment and dignified. A revolution
at the right time
This revolution is a reminder that the history of the Maghreb region is not over yet and it will be written and invented by these activists, these women and men humble, impoverished, repressed but still proud . The revolution is no longer a myth or wishful thinking, with the new Tunisian model, it is again possible and necessary for the emancipation of all peoples of the region.
With the struggle of the Tunisian people the word "revolution" becomes relevant, regains its strength, it is no longer a taboo reserved, as they tried to submit to a handful of nostalgic dreamers ... we are part of the word has been democratized and reclaimed by the people ...
With your struggle, Sisters and Brothers Tunisian youth has regained its rightful place at center stage politics, real politics, a policy that is exerted on the field every day and everywhere in the streets and in institutions, not the caricatures of elections in which we are invited every 5 years!
With your revolution, dear brothers and sisters Tunisian we found a compass that we need both to guide our struggle towards our emancipation total political, economic and cultural as peoples.
With your revolution, our hopes are reborn, we Let us renew our dreams and we reload our batteries to continue our struggle. Dear brothers and sisters
Tunisia: thank you!
hope that you lead your revolution to the end and we started our own!
Jawad - 18-01-2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Slightly Higher Hemaglobin

By Paul Mattick (1959)
Whether welded by ideology, by the objective conditions or by the usual combination of both , Nations are products of a social development. There is no more reason to cherish or curse or tribalism or, for the same reason, a cosmopolitan ideal. The nation is an act for or against which we struggle, according to historical circumstances and their implications for people and, within these populations to different classes.
The modern national state is both product and condition of capitalist development. Capitalism tends to destroy the traditions and national characteristics by extending its production worldwide. However, although the world production, and though the "real" capitalist market is the market global capitalism emerged earlier in some nations than in others, found more favorable conditions in some places, there is more successful, and combined capitalist interests and special with specific domestic needs. "The progressive nations" of the last century were those which produced a rapid capitalist development, "the nations reactionaries" were those where social relations impeded the development of the capitalist mode of production. Because the "near future" belongs to capitalism, because capitalism is the prerequisite of socialism, utopian socialists favored the non- capitalism as opposed to the old social relations of production, and saluted nationalism insofar as it could hasten the development of capitalism. Without openly admitting they were not yet far from accepting capitalist imperialism as a means to end the stagnation and the return of non-capitalist countries, and to guide their development in ways progressive. They were also favorable to the disappearance of small nations unable to develop the economy on a large scale, and their absorption by larger national entities, capable of capitalist development. They argued however small "nations progressive" reactionary against the big countries and whether they were absorbed by them, made common cause with the national liberation movements.
At no time and no opportunity, however, nationalism was seen as a societal goal, he was accepted as an instrument of social progress which in turn would ultimately lead to socialist internationalism. The "capitalist world" of the last century, Western capitalism. The national question arose about the unification of countries like Germany and Italy, the liberation of oppressed nations such as Ireland, Poland, Hungary, Greece and the consolidation of states "synthetic" as the United States. It was also the world of socialism, a limited world, saw the twentieth century. While national issues which agitated the socialist movement in the mid nineteenth century ¬ place were either resolved or well on its way of being and had in all this ceased to have any real importance for the Western socialism, the revolutionary movement twentieth century, expanded the world, raised anew the question of nationalism.
This new nationalism, which shook Western domination and establish the relations of capitalist production and modern industry in areas still underdeveloped, it is still a force "progressive" as was the nationalism of the past? These national aspirations they coincide anything with socialist aspirations? They hasten the end of capitalism by undermining Western imperialism or they inject new life into capitalism by extending to the whole world its mode of production?
The position of socialism of the nineteenth century, towards nationalism was not only to prefer capitalism to more static social systems. Socialists intervened in the bourgeois revolutions democratico who were also nationalists, and they supported the national liberation movements of oppressed peoples because they presented themselves as bourgeois-democratic forms, because in the eyes of the Socialists, the bourgeois-democratic national revolutions n ' were more strictly capitalist revolutions. They could be used, if not install socialism itself, at least to promote the growth of socialist movements and to ensure better conditions.
However, at the end of the century, imperialism, not nationalism, which was the order of the day. German interests "national" had become imperialist interests competing with the other imperialist countries. The "national" interests were those French of the French empire, such as Great Britain were those of the British Empire. Control of the world and sharing control between the major imperialist powers determined the "national". Wars "national" were imperialist wars culminating in World Wars.
is generally considered that the Russian situation at the beginning of Twentieth century was in many respects similar to the revolutionary situation in Western Europe from the mid-nineteenth century. The positive attitude of the first socialist revolution against the national bourgeoisie was based on hope, if not the belief that proletarian element in these revolutions, beyond the limited purpose of the bourgeoisie. For Lenin, the Russian bourgeoisie was no longer able to fulfill its own democratic revolution so that the working class was called to complete the bourgeois revolution and proletarian revolution Through a series of social changes that constitute a "permanent revolution". In a sense, the new situation seemed to repeat on a grander scale, the revolutionary situation in 1848. Instead of old alliances, limited and temporary movements between democratic-bourgeois and proletarian internationalism, there was now global, a set of revolutionary forces of nature as both social and national, should be trained in- beyond their narrow objectives towards proletarian purposes.
An international socialism consists, like Rosa Luxemburg, for example, opposed to "national self-determination" of the Bolsheviks. For her, the existence of independent national governments would not alter the fact that they would be controlled by the imperialist powers since the latter dominated the global economy. Could never be read ¬ ter cons imperialist capitalism, nor weaken, creating new nations, but only between the supra-nationalism capitalist proletarian internationalism. Of course, proletarian internationalism can not stop and has no reason to prevent the movement of national liberation against imperialist domination. These movements belong to the capitalist society, just as imperialism. But "use" these national movements for socialist goals could mean anything but shed their nationalistic movements and turn them into socialist-oriented internationalism.
World War I produced the Russian Revolution, and, whatever his original intentions, it was and remained a national revolution. While she waited for help from abroad it did not brought the revolutionary forces from outside, except in-aid that it was dictated by the interests of Russian nationals. The 2nd World War and its aftermath brought independence to India and Pakistan, the Chinese Revolution, the liberation of South East Asia, and self-determination for some nations in Africa and the Middle East. At first glance, this revival of nationalism contradicts both the position of R. Luxemburg and Lenin on the "national question". Apparently, the era of national liberation is not complete, and it is obvious that the current increasingly strong against imperialism does not serve the purposes socialist revolutionary worldwide.
What really reveals this new nationalism, what are the structural changes in the global capitalist economy and the end of colonialism in the nineteenth century. The "white man's burden" became a burden instead of a real godsend. The profits of colonial decline while the cost of empire is growing. No doubt individuals, corporations and even governments, getting richer by colonial exploitation. But this is more due to special conditions, control of oil resources concentrated, great discoveries uranium deposits, etc. .. rather than the general power to make operations profitable in the colonies and other dependent countries. The exceptional profit rate of the past have now fallen at the rate of profit "normal". When profit is still exceptionally high, it is mainly due to government subsidies. In general, colonialism does not pay, so that is part of the profit principle itself, which invites to reconsider the problem of imperialist domination.
Two world wars have more or less destroyed the old imperialist powers. But they have not brought the end of imperialism, while taking new forms and expressions, maintains the economic and political control of strong nations over the weak. An indirect imperialism seems richer in pro ¬ masses that colonialism of the nineteenth century or the late Renaissance in Russian politics satellites. Naturally, one does not exclude the other, and we see strategic considerations real or imagined wearing the U.S. to control Okinaya, and the angle ¬ land, Cyprus. But in general, indirect control may be greater than direct control, as well as the labor system employee was superior to slave labor. Alone in the Western Hemisphere, America was not an imperialist power in the traditional sense. She made sure the benefit of imperial control over the "dollar diplomacy" by direct military intervention. As the largest capitalist power, America hopes to dominate the way the regions of non-Soviet world.
No European powers is in force today to oppose the complete dissolution of his empire, except with the aid U.S.. But this aid shall submit these nations as their foreign possessions, the penetration and control Americans. Inheriting the abandoning imperialism and its decline, the United States do not feel the need to fly to the rescue of western European imperialism unless such relief does defrauds the Eastern bloc. "The anti-colonialism" is not a U.S. policy deliberately intended to weaken Western allies - although in fact it weakens them - but was chosen in view of strengthening the "¬ Free". It is Certainly, this comprehensive perspective, covering many special interests more closely, resulting in "anti-imperialist" U.S. and its hypocritical nature leads us to think that in opposing imperialism of other nations, America develops his own. Deprived of opportunities
imperialists, Germany, Italy and Japan, have no independent policy. The gradual decline of French and British Empires has made those nations the powers of second order. At the same time, the national aspirations of the less developed and weaker can be achieved only if they fall within the plans of imperialist conquest dominant. Although Russia and the United States share the world supremacy, the smaller countries nevertheless trying to defend their specific interests and influence some policy of the superpowers. The opposition and international contradictions of these two great rivals also allow newly emerging nations like China and India, a degree of independence they could not have reached without it. Under the neck of the green ¬ neutrality, a small nation like Yugoslavia for example, may leave a block of power for return to the other. Less weak independent countries can sustain their independence, as seen through the only major conflict between Russia and the United States.
erosion of Western imperialism, they say, creates a power vacuum in areas previously subjugated. If the vacuum is not filled by the West, it will be by Russia. Of course neither the representatives of "new nationalism" nor the "old imperialism" does not include this kind of assertion, since nationalism replaces imperialism, no gap occurs. What is meant by " vacuum "is that" national self-determination "of underdeveloped countries are allowed to thank you for a" communist aggression "inside and outside, unless the West does not guarantee their independence". In other words, the national self-determination does not include the free choice of its allies, though it sometimes involves a preference for the "protection" of Western powers.
"Independence" of Tunisia and Morocco, for example, is recognized as long as the inde ¬ dence on of France implies loyalty, not against Russia but against the Western bloc dominated by America.
the extent it can still carry the world in two blocks, the national self-determination is an expression of the cold war, a political-military stalemate. But the development trend is towards a world of many nations, each independent and live in safety, but to the disintegration of weak nations is to say to their "integration" in one or block to another. Without doubt, the struggle for emancipation National rivalries within the imperialist countries to enable some exploit the power struggle between East and West. But this fact itself tends to limit their national aspirations since an agreement or a war between East and West would end their ability to maneuver between the two blocs. And while Russia does not hesitate to destroy any attempt at national self-determination in the actual countries that are under his direct control, is ready to support any national self-determination against the Western domination, America claiming self-determination for satellites of Russia, does not hesitate to practice in the Middle East she abhors in Eastern Europe. Despite national revolutions and self-determination, the era of national emancipation is virtually obsolete. These nations can maintain formal independence does not release the economic and political domination of the West. They can not escape that by accepting the supremacy of Russia, by placing himself within the Eastern bloc.
The national revolutions in areas of delayed development view of capitalist modernization are essays by industrialization, or they simply express opposition to foreign capital, either because they tend to change the existing social relations. But while the nationalism of the nineteenth century was an instrument of development of private capital, the nationalism of the twentieth century is essentially a tool for development of state capitalism. And while the nationalism of the last century, created the free world market and the degree of economic independence as possible within the private capitalism, nationalism current door moves to a new world market already disintegrating and destroying this degree of international integration "automatic" mechanism had created the free market.
Behind nationalist movements, there is, of course, the pressure of poverty, which is becoming increasingly volatile with increasing difference between rich and poor nations. The international division of labor as determined by the private capital formation involves the exploitation of the poorest countries by the richest and the concentration of capital in the advanced capitalist countries. The new nationalism is opposed the concentration of capital ¬ finished by the market, so as to ensure indutrialisation of underdeveloped countries. Under current conditions, however, the organization of capitalist production on a national plan to increase its global disruption. Today, private enterprise and government control operate simultaneously in every capitalist country, and worldwide. So there exist side by side the overall competition fiercer, the subordination of private competition to the national competition the most ruthless, and the subordination of the national competition requirements supranational policy blocks.
At the base of national aspirations and imperialist rivalries, is the real need for a global organization of production and distribution, to the benefit of mankind as a whole. First ¬ ment, as the geologist KF Mather noted, because "earth is done much more to be occupied by men organized on a global scale, which can carry up through my entire ¬ free trade in raw materials and finished products, by men who persist in raising barriers between regions, even if these areas are large countries or continents. Secondly because social production can not develop fully, and free men of the need and misery through international cooperation, without regard to national interests. The progress of industrial development is based on interdependence inevitable. If it is not accepted and used for human purposes, a never-ending struggle between nation to imperialist domination, occur as a result of failure to achieve internationally what has been achieved or is in the process of be the national plan ¬ nal: the partial or total elimination of capitalist competition.
Despite the elimination of private capital and its restrictive rules, class antagonisms exist in all countries, following the nationalization of capital has left intact the class relations, it is impossible to escape from international competition; defense of a country and its growing strength really means defense and reproduction of new leadership groups. "The love of the socialist homeland" in communist countries, the desire to get a place as seen in the countries of Governments economy "socialist" and the national self-determination in the countries formerly subjugated, means the existence and the rise of new ruling classes related to the existence of the national state.
While a positive attitude towards nationalism betrays a lack of interest in socialism, the socialist position on nationalism is clearly inefficient as the countries that oppress others. An anti-nationalist intransigence seems, at least indirectly support imperialism. However, imperialism operates through its own springs, independent Socialist attitudes towards nationalism. Moreover, the Socialists have no role in fomenting the struggles for national autonomy, as demonstrated by the movements of "liberation" that arose in the wake of World War II. Contrary to the hopes of the past, nationalism could not be used for socialists and there was not a good strategy to hasten the end of capitalism.
Instead, nationalism destroyed socialism, using it for nationalistic purposes.
This is not the role of socialism to support nationalism, even when it fight imperialism. Fight imperialism without weakening simultaneous ¬ ment nationalism, it is something other than combat some imperialists and support others, because nationalism is necessarily imperialist or illusory. Support Arab nationalism is opposed to Jewish nationalism; support it means fighting against the first because it is impossible to sustain without support nationalism as national rivalries, imperialism and war. Being a good Indian nationalist, is fighting Pakistan, being a true Pakistani, India is hate. Both countries recently "Liberated" are preparing to fight for the disputed territory and submit them to the destructive development of the capitalist war economy.
And so on: "liberate Cyprus from British rule was intended merely to open a new battle for Cyprus between Greeks and Turks do not delete control on western Turkey and Greece. "Liberate" Poland under Russian rule may lead to war with Germany for the "liberation" of the German provinces now dominated by Poland, and new struggles for Polish territories taken by Germany. Independence the real ¬ of Czechoslovakia certainly reopen the fight for the Sudetenland, a struggle which would in turn fight for independence of Czechoslovakia, and perhaps that of the Slovaks who want to separate from the Czechs.
Who should we be? With the Algerians against the French? With the Jews? With the Arabs? With both? Where Jews will they go to make room for Arabs? What will the Arab refugees to stop being an "evil" for the Jews? What do a million French settlers threatened with expropriation and expulsion when the Algerian liberation will be accomplished? Similar questions arise everywhere. ; Jews respond to Jews, Arabs for Arabs, Algerians for Algerians, the French for the French, the Poles for Poles, and so on, so they remain unsolved and insoluble. If that may seem utopian search of international solidarity in the fray of national antagonisms and imperialists, no other way seems open to escape the fratricidal struggles and achieve a global efficiency.
Although socialist sympathies are with the oppressed, they are not nationalistic feeling that arises ¬ doubling but the condition of the oppressed who face both a class of indigenous leaders and foreign leaders. Their national aspirations are part of the aspirations "socialists" because they contain the vain hope of impoverished people who believe they will improve their conditions through national independence. The national self-determination has not emancipated the working classes in advanced countries. It will not do either now in Asia and Africa. National revolutions, the Algerian, for example, do little to help the poorer classes, except the right to share more equitably national prejudices.
Undoubtedly, this is something for Algerians, who suffered a particularly arrogant colonial system. But we can predict possible outcomes of Algerian independence by examining the case of Tunisia and Morocco, where existing social relations have not changed, and where the lives of the exploited classes were not significantly improved.
Unless you are a mere mirage, socialism reborn as an international movement - or not - In all cases, and on the basis of past experience, those who are interested the revival of socialism, must above all emphasize its international character. If can not become a socialist nationalist, it is nonetheless an anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist. However, his struggle against colonialism does not imply endorsement of the principle of national self-determination, but expressed his desire for an international socialist society, a society without exploitation. If the Socialists can not identify with the national struggle, they may as socialists, oppose both nationalism and imperialism. For example, the role of the French Socialists is not fighting for Algerian independence, but to turn France into a socialist society. The struggle for this goal would certainly help the liberation movement in Algeria and anywhere, but this would be a secondary consequence, not the reason for the socialist struggle against imperialist nationalism. In the next stage, Algeria should be "de-nationalized" and integrated into a socialist mode internationally.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Aerosoles Ankle Boots
Thanks to you to be examined my humble blog proletarian-oriented and therefore against the current modes démocratoques. You are apparently a human cell which is defined as carrying a "egalitarian liberalism, the heir of the Commune and the Russian double revolution as I am an heir of Baron Munchausen. You abound in comparisons with incredible revolutions you poorly studied (89 and 17). You say "the masses" and "cousins Tunisian" (!??) with a curious novelty - the theory of formoisy (= middle class and its formations shit) - the cornerstone of which is a typical anarchist formalism : Application of the proletarian system of representation (of workers' councils) which is not described by Lenin and Trotsky, but by the historian Anweiler, application to the entire population of 14 Tunisian indistinct to 77! But unfortunately that is cons-indicated by your bard Yanick last fall with his phrase "a pyramid of delegates."
I must say I am tired a lot to read your blog from liberal anarchists. You have much to learn from me and I'm sure you're smart. But I have to give some advice to little Julie. First, do not accuse me of hatred Yanick or anyone of you, I do not know all the political controversy and I have no hatred. Deuxio respond point by point is the worst way to try to answer and reveals the misunderstanding. Troisio licking the boots of a guru or a wise old man always gives me boils. The accumulation of superlatives on the "Social mutant" Toutain (scientific to sociological analysis) sucks. I do not blame anything for this man who is undoubtedly a romantic poet but that is apolitical, or at least who does not understand politics. Reacting like a crazed groupie, Julie lends me judgments that I have not sought and does not point the delightful bard of morons but three Tunisians interviewed by Le Monde (1. I only have diplomas and fuck 2. In my latest book - The aristocracy Association - I castigated all those half-graduates pursuing careers in France mafias and anarchist union).
Finally, it is certain that your "formalism" ignores the real life of the proletarian masses (that you decree dead) and who, prior to any borough-formalization must be fought and eliminated all the cliques reaction leftists and trade unionists collaborators, conducted a real political thinking which drives the process of direct elections, not precisely quantified at 25 or 37. After the revolution Tunisian
the illusion you get the megaphone of an old bullshit: the African revolution! Basically I have to tell the world you're a glorified cult claim to nationalist politics underdeveloped, with a faux neo-Khmer Rouge of egalitarianism to the con. You do not offer a credible framework for thinking as we have seen so much need the intellectual desert of maximalism Marxist and political nullity the extreme left does not mean its reactionary social conservatism protest centered on the union aristocracy in France and Tunisia.
But the situation in Tunisia is not the key to the situation, there is MORE NATIONAL REVOLUTION TAKES: or internationalization of the class struggle or total failure in solutions-national or national-populist musulmaniaques. Here is my analysis of the time published yesterday on Libe:
Behind the self-congratulatory sores Democrats found the same joke of "democratic institutions" which are the bras of the financial oligarchy with the same justification "Minimum " the risk return musulmaniaques nerds. There is not no "national democratic solution" to the crisis in Tunisia. The bourgeois state with its old puppet Ghannouchi can leave Tunisian dance but the party is not meant to last. Beware of insubordination if tomorrow does not extend to France (rather shabby and grandpa with the Bid to the promenade of Union Retirees) and Algeria where there are strikes in a while. If the proletariat Tunisians continue to sleep wrapped in the national flag that they will facilitate the return of Islamo-nationalists. Why? Because democracy in the country would require secondary global economy in good health and not a fierce and unequal competition favored by totalitarian countries like China. Systemic crisis inevitably imposes the development of dictatorial regimes like Iran and Russia in this sense the moment in Tunisia (even if we love) is a parenthesis that the great powers want to see close. One can certainly
blablater to infinity at the moment but there is no more revolution than Tunisian couscous merguez for the poor proletarians without diplomas, as that confabulations are enclosed in the flag rising + star. The star is to dream utopia democratic the crescent is for the return of Islamo-cops.

Thanks to you to be examined my humble blog proletarian-oriented and therefore against the current modes démocratoques. You are apparently a human cell which is defined as carrying a "egalitarian liberalism, the heir of the Commune and the Russian double revolution as I am an heir of Baron Munchausen. You abound in comparisons with incredible revolutions you poorly studied (89 and 17). You say "the masses" and "cousins Tunisian" (!??) with a curious novelty - the theory of formoisy (= middle class and its formations shit) - the cornerstone of which is a typical anarchist formalism : Application of the proletarian system of representation (of workers' councils) which is not described by Lenin and Trotsky, but by the historian Anweiler, application to the entire population of 14 Tunisian indistinct to 77! But unfortunately that is cons-indicated by your bard Yanick last fall with his phrase "a pyramid of delegates."
I must say I am tired a lot to read your blog from liberal anarchists. You have much to learn from me and I'm sure you're smart. But I have to give some advice to little Julie. First, do not accuse me of hatred Yanick or anyone of you, I do not know all the political controversy and I have no hatred. Deuxio respond point by point is the worst way to try to answer and reveals the misunderstanding. Troisio licking the boots of a guru or a wise old man always gives me boils. The accumulation of superlatives on the "Social mutant" Toutain (scientific to sociological analysis) sucks. I do not blame anything for this man who is undoubtedly a romantic poet but that is apolitical, or at least who does not understand politics. Reacting like a crazed groupie, Julie lends me judgments that I have not sought and does not point the delightful bard of morons but three Tunisians interviewed by Le Monde (1. I only have diplomas and fuck 2. In my latest book - The aristocracy Association - I castigated all those half-graduates pursuing careers in France mafias and anarchist union).
Finally, it is certain that your "formalism" ignores the real life of the proletarian masses (that you decree dead) and who, prior to any borough-formalization must be fought and eliminated all the cliques reaction leftists and trade unionists collaborators, conducted a real political thinking which drives the process of direct elections, not precisely quantified at 25 or 37. After the revolution Tunisian
the illusion you get the megaphone of an old bullshit: the African revolution! Basically I have to tell the world you're a glorified cult claim to nationalist politics underdeveloped, with a faux neo-Khmer Rouge of egalitarianism to the con. You do not offer a credible framework for thinking as we have seen so much need the intellectual desert of maximalism Marxist and political nullity the extreme left does not mean its reactionary social conservatism protest centered on the union aristocracy in France and Tunisia.
But the situation in Tunisia is not the key to the situation, there is MORE NATIONAL REVOLUTION TAKES: or internationalization of the class struggle or total failure in solutions-national or national-populist musulmaniaques. Here is my analysis of the time published yesterday on Libe:
Behind the self-congratulatory sores Democrats found the same joke of "democratic institutions" which are the bras of the financial oligarchy with the same justification "Minimum " the risk return musulmaniaques nerds. There is not no "national democratic solution" to the crisis in Tunisia. The bourgeois state with its old puppet Ghannouchi can leave Tunisian dance but the party is not meant to last. Beware of insubordination if tomorrow does not extend to France (rather shabby and grandpa with the Bid to the promenade of Union Retirees) and Algeria where there are strikes in a while. If the proletariat Tunisians continue to sleep wrapped in the national flag that they will facilitate the return of Islamo-nationalists. Why? Because democracy in the country would require secondary global economy in good health and not a fierce and unequal competition favored by totalitarian countries like China. Systemic crisis inevitably imposes the development of dictatorial regimes like Iran and Russia in this sense the moment in Tunisia (even if we love) is a parenthesis that the great powers want to see close. One can certainly
blablater to infinity at the moment but there is no more revolution than Tunisian couscous merguez for the poor proletarians without diplomas, as that confabulations are enclosed in the flag rising + star. The star is to dream utopia democratic the crescent is for the return of Islamo-cops.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Has Marg Helgenberger Had Plastic Surgery
democratism The Tunisian Islamists and ghosts
(reply to Yann Toutain)
As you can read in conjunction with my article critical of the events held in Tunisia, dated January 19, Yanick Toutain, I do not know personally and who has the air of being quite a stirrer of the net, to manifest his displeasure against me, while on many points we seem to agree (on the humbug of anarchist terrorism, the neo-Stalinism of the trotskiens Bensaid and Besancenot, the bourgeoisie of diplomas, etc.).. He accused me of contempt with respect to the Tunisian people and to have any proposal for the irony. First I deeply respect the Tunisian people and then I do not deny not having all the answers, as I do not pretend to be a party all by myself, even if, alas, as Mirabeau, I play still a bit this role over the medium maximalist unable to support themselves and take a position in a timely manner on major world events, while the internet system permits on five continents. Without doubt the bureaucratic system of cults always prevent rapid decisions and especially to take risks to its members coward hiding behind a comfortable anonymity. I would not answer in detail to designs Yanick unbridled libertarian, although I like his liveliness and his anti-conformist, sometimes creative but often, unfortunately, far-fetched. It has a limited grasp of history maximalist movement by taxing Ben Ali of "social-fascist" epithet that feels spongy and mothballs. I do not know what it means to his notion of "formoisy" but I know he delights, as the bourgeois press at the moment, comparisons risky and unlikely with so-called French Revolution, that is, though one may say of Rousseau's most beautiful water ... simplistic egalitarian, a foul-mouthed third-world "Africans must make half of our GDP" !!?), ignore the proletariat as a revolutionary force, and plate that the system of representation that was one of the Russian soviets of 1917 "people," the Tunisian "so idealistic and unrealistic movement in the Maghreb which we do not yet know all the ins and outs. Without customizing my reply, I will try to analyze the reality of the situation in Tunisia and more a reality of the situation a bit too flowery funerals where a bit too hasty are there to prevent any real birth or rebirth of the only revolutionary class that matters. The invocation, by supporters of UGTT France and Tunisia, the ignoble union of "all decent people" is ridiculous and poisonous tactics of the Tunisian bourgeoisie, supported and advised always covertly by Top diplomats of the French kind Védrines.
The complex reasons of lack of development of the movement and the proletarian consciousness in Tunisia, closely related to the lack of economic and civil development of this country semi-colonial (most bosses are still French), demand from the maximalist scholars and men of action of the common council a shorter rainfall laudatory study of leftist unionists limited to economic demands. But we can make a few observations, however, not so much on recent events that hinder the development of genuine revolutionary positions on the inadequacy and falsity of the methods adopted by all the excitement sermonizers leftists.
The remainders of the colonial regime, the weak development of heavy industry, the importance and the number of small business subcontracting and wages in the "tourist factory", the immense problems posed by immigration, lack of opportunities for highly educated youth and other non-graduate, all these historical facts -social deserve a very precise analysis of the maximalist view. And the inability of the proletarians of the countries left on the roadside by the uneven development of capitalism, to make up the wage level of the aristocracy western union. And ethnographic factors and their impact on the psychology of the Tunisian people characterized by a survival of individualism, lack of initiative and association by those who claim not to work for socialism in these areas but for national reconciliation and criminal.
One fact that must be highlighted is the total lack of intellectual and political ruling classes, the low level of their culture, their misogyny, their conformism and laziness tackle serious social problems. The average intellectual of the Tunisian bourgeoisie is rather low level of the shopkeeper, and it will never advance the social problem to a national solution, wrapped in cloth red star of the lantern room. His current political representation, as the dullard Ben Ali, is colorless and unconscious, it is the aggregate of any ministerial Western government, it does not care to press the rich class (see the excellent Tunisian joke is all the rage: "Ali is gone but the 40 thieves remained!) because his ministers" of national unanimity "does not care to sing the" newfound freedom "than to parade in front of the TV Western and Eastern. This is not the bourgeoisie and the proletariat Tunisian youth are educated or not expect any improvements jasmine.
And just advice states French, American, Iranian or Libyan, all run by capitalist oligarchy, religious and military, who will never accept a social protest of this magnitude, with organizations in asserting class , serve as an example to demonstrate the decay of all these schemes complicity against the universal proletariat.
The reasons are clear. On the one hand, and fundamentally, the systemic crisis kills any illusion about the natural market for consumption and output of mass unemployment. On the other hand, development of proletarian organizations out of union activists and co cops former governing party, could only harm the fable of the elections rescheduled to six months to promote the little arrangements between ex-Benali and oppositional careerists, and remount the Islamist opposition ad hoc. Although awkwardly posed and off the field by proletarian Yanick Toutain (he was the one and he deserves it), the question of the formalization of the organization - and as a mass political party independent of the bourgeoisie - is the task of Time to stop this spectacle of a nation reduced to mere sporadic demonstrations, to confabulations and coffee at the whim of fashion voyeur "twitter." A corresponding development, the political field, more than 68 in France, the working masses, would cut some of the closest media hoaxers "democratic" and soporific.
Need we remind that the Islamists, less demonized by the media that Ben Ali, smiles are the "electoral process", that pale Tunisian ruling classes have given new street imams while pretending to still be in the future dam musulmaniaques?
It is not this cowardly bourgeoisie conciliatory and that the opposition will the presence of Islamist totalitarian demos before, but only of the revolutionary pressure of the working masses.
But we must not hide if the Tunisian ruling classes are very backward, the proletariat itself has profound and severe limitations that reduce and delay the effectiveness of its action. The petty bourgeoisie
graduate, with which it is bound by a thousand ties of family relations, constitutes a real obstacle for the proletarian movement with his youthful hope of recovery of qualifications for "frame" the proletariat.
In these circumstances it is natural that the bourgeois propaganda for the "revival" meeting support among youth. The tactic established by the old rulers' follow, we examine some aspects contributes fully to prevent awareness of the impotence of the system to integrate a growing mass of unemployed, graduate or not, and promises some accommodations fictitious doomed naturally replenish Islamism which is committed to Allah to intervene to seek extensions of capitalism.
We refer to the "financial scandal" clan Ben Ali and his bitch, that fills all the columns in the Western press, which is presented as an urgent problem to repatriate wealth extradited to Tunisia. For stupidity and corruption, the system continues to post benali makeup the same way to work with the same kitchen "Republican" and even the bloody police. This habit of continually bring to the forefront the many examples of scandal profits clan nepotism Ben Ali opens the door to the option "moral" Islamist, more able to accept frugality, deprivation and punishment capitalism impoverishing the beautiful words of the old libertarian government. The limited achievement of social and wage "transition government" will naturally caused another discontent among the masses, to be skillfully exploited by parties musulmaniaques.
Ex-members of the RCD who are elected to the transitional government as they were still creatures of this oligarchic party want to take them for ratatouille couscous. They want to continue to leave the country in the hands of the bourgeoisie with the agreement of the Islamic clergy said soft. Opponents, who are basically no less reactionary, populist positions are "democratic" catch-all, proclaim themselves champions of the new freedom flowered and morals of free trade, trying to take some anti-Islamic positions and each is present in a disorganized as in France for the presidential bobble.
both sides of the Mediterranean, the workers know that when such opposition come to power, they generally become more corrupt and conservative than others. Every proletarian Tunisian immigrant who knows France knows that this description is not exaggerated. Ah, Western democracy!
The tragic mistake of the proletarians of Tunisians would be drawn into the orbit of this transition, this pseudo-democracy without a program. Mediated and dubbed by the media, cajoled by small political sects bourgeois opposition in the feverish expectation of a ministerial post, should not that the Tunisian people again the weakness of raven and the fox, he believes the pretext to gain greater freedom of movement, that the "new government" will remain neutral during the economic conflicts with the working class, albeit with some temporary improvements to taxation.
compressions to admire himself, absorbed in an exhausting work of preparing electoral base scandal, slander and strife; concerned about is to prove that the clan robbing Ben Ali public money - which would have been the only motivation of riots by the Western press complicit - lulled by promises of some electoral seats in the municipal and provincial councils, after the presidential election, for some of his children overqualified, the Tunisian people is already the butt of the joke.
Certainly, this is not universal. Both China and Algeria, occur every day strikes outside the scope of cretinism electoral struggles ultimately will awaken the spirit of proletarian revolutionaries. Tunisia unionism emerged in response. But even their union Basic anarchists who plan leaves most collaborationist leaders, fall into the easy embrace of a democracy of four cents.
And there are still those who have the nerve to take the argument of the special conditions of transient Tunisia against the Islamic threat yet fictitious and romantic!
They say that if the country is still in an uncertain time, they must denounce the "empty chair policy", an alliance even with the nephew of Ben Ali's family or the devil himself to save the population Islamists.
But if the policy of "transitional government" were to prevail, it would be even more harmful for the country where the working class believes in free elections Tunisian lawyers and citizens of autarkic national solutions.
Better abstention, to make a work-cons propaganda among the masses who want to take their destiny in order to confront and bourgeois factions to serve the West and the Islamic fractions backward.
Better to have two workers in an assembly to recognize districts that graduates twenty deputies serving a bourgeois parliamentary majority. The consequences of
siren songs on the alleged "jasmine revolution" are now fatal. Tunisian journalists and French are just walking in search of past scandals, or worse, to seek ways to bring fortunes in Switzerland or in Greenland. No newspaper involves capitalism in its Western and Eastern versions nor lets in serious political discussions among the Tunisian masses.
We do not claim to change program of society, but it causes a handful of nepotism fleeing by threatening to produce criminal records. The Tunisian and international proletariat who attends all of this may well be weary, to distrust and to scroll if discredited election comedy even in Côte d'Ivoire.
Tunisian Workers, there is only one way. Start over. Let the fantasies about the Islamic threat, the leaven of false unanimity, giving free rein to our principles of propaganda. Thieves or honest, the citizens are equal for all of us. Already more than they fear the spread of your insubordination in France than in Morocco or Algeria. Bourgeois dictators in Iran have sent the army to university. Only allow more distortion of the concept of revolution in a dubious crusade for respect for codes of the bourgeois state. Adopt a tactic ultra-intransigent proletarian class and we give an example to the world.
Only when we have awakened the sleeping lion in us, exploited class universal, we can run against the national bourgeoisie of all parties that rely both on the servility of people unhappy. Forward against the advocates of capitalism and a little more for the maximalist revolutionary.
(reply to Yann Toutain)
As you can read in conjunction with my article critical of the events held in Tunisia, dated January 19, Yanick Toutain, I do not know personally and who has the air of being quite a stirrer of the net, to manifest his displeasure against me, while on many points we seem to agree (on the humbug of anarchist terrorism, the neo-Stalinism of the trotskiens Bensaid and Besancenot, the bourgeoisie of diplomas, etc.).. He accused me of contempt with respect to the Tunisian people and to have any proposal for the irony. First I deeply respect the Tunisian people and then I do not deny not having all the answers, as I do not pretend to be a party all by myself, even if, alas, as Mirabeau, I play still a bit this role over the medium maximalist unable to support themselves and take a position in a timely manner on major world events, while the internet system permits on five continents. Without doubt the bureaucratic system of cults always prevent rapid decisions and especially to take risks to its members coward hiding behind a comfortable anonymity. I would not answer in detail to designs Yanick unbridled libertarian, although I like his liveliness and his anti-conformist, sometimes creative but often, unfortunately, far-fetched. It has a limited grasp of history maximalist movement by taxing Ben Ali of "social-fascist" epithet that feels spongy and mothballs. I do not know what it means to his notion of "formoisy" but I know he delights, as the bourgeois press at the moment, comparisons risky and unlikely with so-called French Revolution, that is, though one may say of Rousseau's most beautiful water ... simplistic egalitarian, a foul-mouthed third-world "Africans must make half of our GDP" !!?), ignore the proletariat as a revolutionary force, and plate that the system of representation that was one of the Russian soviets of 1917 "people," the Tunisian "so idealistic and unrealistic movement in the Maghreb which we do not yet know all the ins and outs. Without customizing my reply, I will try to analyze the reality of the situation in Tunisia and more a reality of the situation a bit too flowery funerals where a bit too hasty are there to prevent any real birth or rebirth of the only revolutionary class that matters. The invocation, by supporters of UGTT France and Tunisia, the ignoble union of "all decent people" is ridiculous and poisonous tactics of the Tunisian bourgeoisie, supported and advised always covertly by Top diplomats of the French kind Védrines.
The complex reasons of lack of development of the movement and the proletarian consciousness in Tunisia, closely related to the lack of economic and civil development of this country semi-colonial (most bosses are still French), demand from the maximalist scholars and men of action of the common council a shorter rainfall laudatory study of leftist unionists limited to economic demands. But we can make a few observations, however, not so much on recent events that hinder the development of genuine revolutionary positions on the inadequacy and falsity of the methods adopted by all the excitement sermonizers leftists.
The remainders of the colonial regime, the weak development of heavy industry, the importance and the number of small business subcontracting and wages in the "tourist factory", the immense problems posed by immigration, lack of opportunities for highly educated youth and other non-graduate, all these historical facts -social deserve a very precise analysis of the maximalist view. And the inability of the proletarians of the countries left on the roadside by the uneven development of capitalism, to make up the wage level of the aristocracy western union. And ethnographic factors and their impact on the psychology of the Tunisian people characterized by a survival of individualism, lack of initiative and association by those who claim not to work for socialism in these areas but for national reconciliation and criminal.
One fact that must be highlighted is the total lack of intellectual and political ruling classes, the low level of their culture, their misogyny, their conformism and laziness tackle serious social problems. The average intellectual of the Tunisian bourgeoisie is rather low level of the shopkeeper, and it will never advance the social problem to a national solution, wrapped in cloth red star of the lantern room. His current political representation, as the dullard Ben Ali, is colorless and unconscious, it is the aggregate of any ministerial Western government, it does not care to press the rich class (see the excellent Tunisian joke is all the rage: "Ali is gone but the 40 thieves remained!) because his ministers" of national unanimity "does not care to sing the" newfound freedom "than to parade in front of the TV Western and Eastern. This is not the bourgeoisie and the proletariat Tunisian youth are educated or not expect any improvements jasmine.
And just advice states French, American, Iranian or Libyan, all run by capitalist oligarchy, religious and military, who will never accept a social protest of this magnitude, with organizations in asserting class , serve as an example to demonstrate the decay of all these schemes complicity against the universal proletariat.
The reasons are clear. On the one hand, and fundamentally, the systemic crisis kills any illusion about the natural market for consumption and output of mass unemployment. On the other hand, development of proletarian organizations out of union activists and co cops former governing party, could only harm the fable of the elections rescheduled to six months to promote the little arrangements between ex-Benali and oppositional careerists, and remount the Islamist opposition ad hoc. Although awkwardly posed and off the field by proletarian Yanick Toutain (he was the one and he deserves it), the question of the formalization of the organization - and as a mass political party independent of the bourgeoisie - is the task of Time to stop this spectacle of a nation reduced to mere sporadic demonstrations, to confabulations and coffee at the whim of fashion voyeur "twitter." A corresponding development, the political field, more than 68 in France, the working masses, would cut some of the closest media hoaxers "democratic" and soporific.
Need we remind that the Islamists, less demonized by the media that Ben Ali, smiles are the "electoral process", that pale Tunisian ruling classes have given new street imams while pretending to still be in the future dam musulmaniaques?
It is not this cowardly bourgeoisie conciliatory and that the opposition will the presence of Islamist totalitarian demos before, but only of the revolutionary pressure of the working masses.
But we must not hide if the Tunisian ruling classes are very backward, the proletariat itself has profound and severe limitations that reduce and delay the effectiveness of its action. The petty bourgeoisie
graduate, with which it is bound by a thousand ties of family relations, constitutes a real obstacle for the proletarian movement with his youthful hope of recovery of qualifications for "frame" the proletariat.
In these circumstances it is natural that the bourgeois propaganda for the "revival" meeting support among youth. The tactic established by the old rulers' follow, we examine some aspects contributes fully to prevent awareness of the impotence of the system to integrate a growing mass of unemployed, graduate or not, and promises some accommodations fictitious doomed naturally replenish Islamism which is committed to Allah to intervene to seek extensions of capitalism.
We refer to the "financial scandal" clan Ben Ali and his bitch, that fills all the columns in the Western press, which is presented as an urgent problem to repatriate wealth extradited to Tunisia. For stupidity and corruption, the system continues to post benali makeup the same way to work with the same kitchen "Republican" and even the bloody police. This habit of continually bring to the forefront the many examples of scandal profits clan nepotism Ben Ali opens the door to the option "moral" Islamist, more able to accept frugality, deprivation and punishment capitalism impoverishing the beautiful words of the old libertarian government. The limited achievement of social and wage "transition government" will naturally caused another discontent among the masses, to be skillfully exploited by parties musulmaniaques.
Ex-members of the RCD who are elected to the transitional government as they were still creatures of this oligarchic party want to take them for ratatouille couscous. They want to continue to leave the country in the hands of the bourgeoisie with the agreement of the Islamic clergy said soft. Opponents, who are basically no less reactionary, populist positions are "democratic" catch-all, proclaim themselves champions of the new freedom flowered and morals of free trade, trying to take some anti-Islamic positions and each is present in a disorganized as in France for the presidential bobble.
both sides of the Mediterranean, the workers know that when such opposition come to power, they generally become more corrupt and conservative than others. Every proletarian Tunisian immigrant who knows France knows that this description is not exaggerated. Ah, Western democracy!
The tragic mistake of the proletarians of Tunisians would be drawn into the orbit of this transition, this pseudo-democracy without a program. Mediated and dubbed by the media, cajoled by small political sects bourgeois opposition in the feverish expectation of a ministerial post, should not that the Tunisian people again the weakness of raven and the fox, he believes the pretext to gain greater freedom of movement, that the "new government" will remain neutral during the economic conflicts with the working class, albeit with some temporary improvements to taxation.
compressions to admire himself, absorbed in an exhausting work of preparing electoral base scandal, slander and strife; concerned about is to prove that the clan robbing Ben Ali public money - which would have been the only motivation of riots by the Western press complicit - lulled by promises of some electoral seats in the municipal and provincial councils, after the presidential election, for some of his children overqualified, the Tunisian people is already the butt of the joke.
Certainly, this is not universal. Both China and Algeria, occur every day strikes outside the scope of cretinism electoral struggles ultimately will awaken the spirit of proletarian revolutionaries. Tunisia unionism emerged in response. But even their union Basic anarchists who plan leaves most collaborationist leaders, fall into the easy embrace of a democracy of four cents.
And there are still those who have the nerve to take the argument of the special conditions of transient Tunisia against the Islamic threat yet fictitious and romantic!
They say that if the country is still in an uncertain time, they must denounce the "empty chair policy", an alliance even with the nephew of Ben Ali's family or the devil himself to save the population Islamists.
But if the policy of "transitional government" were to prevail, it would be even more harmful for the country where the working class believes in free elections Tunisian lawyers and citizens of autarkic national solutions.
Better abstention, to make a work-cons propaganda among the masses who want to take their destiny in order to confront and bourgeois factions to serve the West and the Islamic fractions backward.
Better to have two workers in an assembly to recognize districts that graduates twenty deputies serving a bourgeois parliamentary majority. The consequences of
siren songs on the alleged "jasmine revolution" are now fatal. Tunisian journalists and French are just walking in search of past scandals, or worse, to seek ways to bring fortunes in Switzerland or in Greenland. No newspaper involves capitalism in its Western and Eastern versions nor lets in serious political discussions among the Tunisian masses.
We do not claim to change program of society, but it causes a handful of nepotism fleeing by threatening to produce criminal records. The Tunisian and international proletariat who attends all of this may well be weary, to distrust and to scroll if discredited election comedy even in Côte d'Ivoire.
Tunisian Workers, there is only one way. Start over. Let the fantasies about the Islamic threat, the leaven of false unanimity, giving free rein to our principles of propaganda. Thieves or honest, the citizens are equal for all of us. Already more than they fear the spread of your insubordination in France than in Morocco or Algeria. Bourgeois dictators in Iran have sent the army to university. Only allow more distortion of the concept of revolution in a dubious crusade for respect for codes of the bourgeois state. Adopt a tactic ultra-intransigent proletarian class and we give an example to the world.
Only when we have awakened the sleeping lion in us, exploited class universal, we can run against the national bourgeoisie of all parties that rely both on the servility of people unhappy. Forward against the advocates of capitalism and a little more for the maximalist revolutionary.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Which Compound Has The Weakest Interactions
(when the farce of national mourning for three days. Grief for whom? Mourning why? ... To calm things down and make it sing again in the streets imams ....)
(stitched on The World aujourd'huiu)
"Ali Baba is gone, but not the 40 thieves!"
"Job No. 140 111: We look for a new president for Tunisia. Experience: Beginner accepted. Contract Type: Fixed term. Qualifications: orphan, an only son, sterile and mostly bald so it does not go to salons. "
[The family of Leila Trabelsi, the wife of the ousted president, a former hairdresser, Tunisia has fleeced.]
"Yesterday I went to the hairdresser to make me Leiler [Hair] hair. I wanted Trabelsia [fly] the barber, but he Tunisia [forbidden], so I Benalisation [fled]. "
" After the thrill of change, Tunis wakes up a national hangover! Democracy is like alcohol, it can be eaten in moderation ... But as people alcoholic, was quick to swallow the whole bottle bottoms. Result: the country falls into a coma democracy. "*
" Ben Ali has created a solidarity bank ... He fled the bank, but left solidarity. "
[Ben Ali had made this microcredit bank for the poor a source of pride.]
"We had a president every twenty-three years, now we have one every day."
[From January 14 to 16, Tunisia has seen Ben Ali and the current Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi transition, followed by former parliament speaker and current acting president Fouad Mbazaâ.]
"Before, Tunisia, there were 10 million sports commentators, now we have ten million political commentators."
"Until we're hot, go to Tripoli tomorrow around 9 am. Gaddafi is dropped at 9 h 30, maximum 10 hours, then returned to continue our revolution."
[Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has regretted the departure of Ben Ali that he still considered the "legal president."]
laughs best
"In 1987, Ben Ali has made a coup against Habib Bourguiba. In 2011, Habib Bourguiba, who makes his money. "
[Allusion to the demonstration on January 14, Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis, which precipitated the departure of Ben Ali.]
"Urgent: waking up this morning, the king of Saudi Arabia has discovered that he needed money."
[Former President Ben Ali has found refuge in Saudi Arabia.]
"Ben Ali promised us 300,000 jobs. He gave us 10 million jobs ... guardian of the neighborhood."
[allusion to the vigilance committees formed by the Tunisians to defend neighborhoods armed militia of Ben Ali.]
Interview by Isabelle Mandraud

(when the farce of national mourning for three days. Grief for whom? Mourning why? ... To calm things down and make it sing again in the streets imams ....)
(stitched on The World aujourd'huiu)
"Ali Baba is gone, but not the 40 thieves!"
"Job No. 140 111: We look for a new president for Tunisia. Experience: Beginner accepted. Contract Type: Fixed term. Qualifications: orphan, an only son, sterile and mostly bald so it does not go to salons. "
[The family of Leila Trabelsi, the wife of the ousted president, a former hairdresser, Tunisia has fleeced.]
"Yesterday I went to the hairdresser to make me Leiler [Hair] hair. I wanted Trabelsia [fly] the barber, but he Tunisia [forbidden], so I Benalisation [fled]. "
" After the thrill of change, Tunis wakes up a national hangover! Democracy is like alcohol, it can be eaten in moderation ... But as people alcoholic, was quick to swallow the whole bottle bottoms. Result: the country falls into a coma democracy. "*
" Ben Ali has created a solidarity bank ... He fled the bank, but left solidarity. "
[Ben Ali had made this microcredit bank for the poor a source of pride.]
"We had a president every twenty-three years, now we have one every day."
[From January 14 to 16, Tunisia has seen Ben Ali and the current Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi transition, followed by former parliament speaker and current acting president Fouad Mbazaâ.]
"Before, Tunisia, there were 10 million sports commentators, now we have ten million political commentators."
"Until we're hot, go to Tripoli tomorrow around 9 am. Gaddafi is dropped at 9 h 30, maximum 10 hours, then returned to continue our revolution."
[Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has regretted the departure of Ben Ali that he still considered the "legal president."]
laughs best
"In 1987, Ben Ali has made a coup against Habib Bourguiba. In 2011, Habib Bourguiba, who makes his money. "
[Allusion to the demonstration on January 14, Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis, which precipitated the departure of Ben Ali.]
"Urgent: waking up this morning, the king of Saudi Arabia has discovered that he needed money."
[Former President Ben Ali has found refuge in Saudi Arabia.]
"Ben Ali promised us 300,000 jobs. He gave us 10 million jobs ... guardian of the neighborhood."
[allusion to the vigilance committees formed by the Tunisians to defend neighborhoods armed militia of Ben Ali.]
Interview by Isabelle Mandraud
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