"Does this mean that in future it street fighting will no longer play any role? Not at all. This applies only say that the conditions since 1848 are, become much less favorable for Civil Affairs, and much more favorable for the army. In the future street fighting can be victorious only if this state of inferiority is compensated by other factors. Also, undertake the more do we rarely at the beginning of a great revolution that during development of it, and it will support it with greater forces. But then they, like all the great French Revolution, September 4 and October 31, 1870 in Paris, prefer "no doubt the attack opened for passive barricade tactics. [See ibid. p. 34].
Engels (1895)
Unheard of in media history. All day on Wednesday, February 2, Al Jazeera and France 24 have allowed us to witness first-hand, without fear of stray bullets or a Molotov cocktail into the mouth, to take still ... full mouth. For the first time a peaceful demonstration was attacked not by the regular, uniformed troops of the bourgeois state but by a bunch of cops to round up civilians who had been a nest egg and compensate for a lumpen mass of suburban and joined by Minions of the feudal Egyptian camel or horse. This binding was bourgeois army of kitchen knives, iron rods, whips and even service arms of mercenaries. What was our anxiety to see this band of killers used to launch the attack demonstrators seemed reflux ... then our joy to see these camel operetta ground or disposed of some fungi and rewarded properly applied. The U.S. bourgeoisie has been surprised at the atrocities of rogue cops and Mubarak, saying that it had negotiated in secret another "peaceful transition". With the military so, however adept the hypocritical and always let guarantor power reviled, but not with this mass of lumpen somewhat venal and cowardly, they fled to ever return if a truck was heading to. The troopers of the regime were mounted on the roofs of the National Museum and began to throw stones from concrete and Molotov cocktails at the demonstrators ten meters lower Surely by killing a few.
The crowd of protesters seemed organized. We saw a well-ordered division of labor and natural, as we have lived in Paris in May '68: row which passed the stones and the stones so they are crowded near the "front" where squads turned alternately role for future supplies of ammunition. The barricades are arranged in consultation groups, identity cards checked by protesters who fear the infiltration of provocateurs cops, etc.. Be aware that some had neither slept nor eaten for two days but this does not seem to lessen their valor until the end of the day. Plumes of smoke around barricades of trucks seemed to indicate a possible fire, which was not the case.
The objective of the scheme appeared hated the world as ridiculous, poorly conceived, sucks! After wanting to play the previous day on fears of shady deal with looting, the regime attempted the coup of the "silent majority" by unleashing his dogs. Once it goes but the damage twice hello. The thugs and pashas that grew thanks to the people banks will not resume anytime soon such a scam. Because the criminal conduct the plan was unveiled before the whole world, because the army can not, in such a situation of social crisis extremely flammable for the Maghreb, afford a massacre that would inevitably be disproportionate. Yet it already is, since January 25 the UN itself estimates that there were 300 killed and 3000 wounded from yesterday to today there were 6 dead and hundreds injured again. "Doctors volunteer mend torn ears, skulls open, thighs shredded. They are there, by land or in the few ambulances dispatched place. They operate under stones, Molotov cocktails and firing live ammunition at the Mubarak government. Throughout the day 2 and on the night of 2 to 3, the protesters took turns at the front of the back. The figures are exhausted, numb to the sounds of bullets. For hundreds of broken faces, heads gassed, cripples, faces twisted in pain. A man in a megaphone tirelessly maintains morale. "Troops," because it is now clear that we are at war, an uncivil war. Henchmen of the government are continually stopped by the protesters who handed them over to military. They carry with them business cards indicating that they belong to the state police. The cards are immediately captured, photographed and released to the world. (Cf. Cree Blog of Egypt). Still observe the irreversible determination of the demonstrators: "The determination of these protesters is beyond what he can imagine and for a very simple reason. They prefer to die now, the bullets that later, under torture. It is clear to all of the demonstrators that if we lose the battle, each of us will be arrested, harassed, tortured. Mubarak does not seem to understand who, exactly, is leading the fight. He still thinks they are some thousands of poor people, whom he has humiliated her in prison or those who live below the poverty line. Mubarak think it will be easy, as before, to silence them without anyone noticing it. But Mubarak did not measure the social diversity of the demonstrators united and determined to make him fall. He does not understand that his lies and manipulations have now no effect on international opinion or the demonstrators on the spot. Enlightened students from low income families, citizens, Egyptians abroad are there, hand in hand. Some speak two or three languages, addressed to the presses the world and decipher, minute by minute what is happening. They foil, one by one, traps Mubarak likely to deceive those who are watching .... "
all predictions thwarted in a situation more conducive to the proletariat in Tunisia:
Last weekend, all the media assured us that the days of "new government" (with the same stooges pashas) head of Egypt were probably numbered. According to experts, the start of Hosni Mubarak is only a matter of time. "Today, Mubarak can not pull the crowd, would be too expensive, "explains Antoine Basbous, a political scientist at the Observatory of Arab Countries. The possibility of a takeover by the army in the violence and blood do not seem credible. "Given the determination of the population, it would be a difficult situation bearable," observed Dominique Thomas, "specialist in the Arab world" and Islamist movements. It took six weeks for Tunisians to calm down (sic), and added the "specialist" A. Basbous: "I'm not sure that the Egyptian economy can take that time." At about the same time I took forums for Liberation babies leftists "cease to believe in peace and democratic revolutions flowers! The maneuver is crude but effective in Egypt: the opening a little too easy prisons can:
- to terrify the population before the looting attributed solely to prisoners
- poses the threat of Islamo-fascists in arms will "launch civil war. "
TOTAL: Army should appear as a point of restoring order and will be legitimized and not to retail between proletarians and rightly outraged mobsters free. These are the same arguments that were used to violate and massacre the Communards in 1871. But the Egyptian government, supported by all the Western bourgeoisie, needs to swell the ranks of killers musulmaniaques to justify its repression of hyper-capitalist, so unfortunately it is expected to extensions barbarians to counter this courageous uprising that has value a worrying example for all states. To stop the hands of various criminals in contention, the solution depends on HERE! .
Until Thursday everything went predictably. A spokesman for the Department of Defense has urged people to protect their property, ensuring that the military would soon take care looters. Meanwhile, flights had brought the people (citizens) to form vigilance committees, armed with guns, sticks or iron bars. In some areas, dams have been improvised by using bricks and gates. The Muslim Brotherhood, the first opposition force and collaboration of the middle classes in Egypt, had announced their next recruiting volunteers to form neighborhood committees and protect public and private institutions. Meanwhile, the twin brother of Prime Minister, the leader of al-Nahda Islamist Rachid Ghannouchi landed in Tunis under the cheers of his supporters calculated Like thousands in the media. In a corner of the airport a little sun shone again, a young woman was painted felt a mustache and beard on the face, because "with the Islamists, it takes a man to exist." Another, loose hair and skirt above the knee, said: "Yes to Islam, not Islamism." Tuesday, February 1, I was disappointed to see a demonstration at the French slipper, with the bonus of rows of believers who knelt to pray. The image was reflected largely by the media, the devotees of the bourgeois order could thus be deduced : See when you release a bit of ballast barbs back! Bernique the next day, Wednesday 3, opposite to the unprecedented aggression and cowardly herd mercenaries of power there was no brothers or cousins but Muslim men standing who fought with limited means. Some opponents have cited the waves hydra general strike as the most stupid of our anarchists, the idea has taken more than political reality, regardless of the impact of attacks as reactionary central Cairo, in the world whole, are far greater than would have been a day of action association.
Regardless of the sequence of events, lessons can be drawn from oblivion to the benefit of the international working class:
- Violence is never the result of the proletariat when begins to demonstrate or to strike, in resorting to violence is not inherently OF DEFENCE nor sadism;
This ability to keep the streets in spite of so many murders, the nose of the army and with indomitable courage to face the killers armed state must never be forgotten by all other parties of the working class And one example of control is immediately supplied by a journalist from Paris (on-site reporters have shown a courage and honesty to acknowledge for once, those of France 24 in particular): "This is a amazing scene that finds our special correspondent at the entrance to the metro Saddat "Anti-Mubarak protesters have crowded maps of the Interior Ministry, but the weapons they seized on their opponents, showing that it is indeed the police. There's pell-mell machetes, knives, box cutters, knives ... "."
- The Egyptian bourgeoisie fear of being strangled economically has trimmed, in particular by restoring the Internet, not by democracy but because the cut internet for five days by the Egyptian government should have cost Egypt $ 90 million (65 million euros), and its impact could be even more important in the long term, according to preliminary estimates released Thursday by the OECD.
- Despite the tide of national flags paraded often, outdated and unnecessary demonstrations of support for the Egyptian working class took place in Jordan, perhaps in Algeria (Tunisia is quiet?) And even Gaza, where brave women have ensured the protest before being arrested and beaten by Hamas, (it is lamentable that the French proletariat still does not move his ass);
- Despite all the blah-blah on the risk return of Muslim brothers and hives U.S. diplomatic camp in the region, propaganda could not obliterate the strength and determination of the proletarian youth, with or without internet;
pangs DIPLOMACY AND THE FUNK Proletariat?
Without the Egyptian ally, the United States could continue to rely on the Gulf or Jordan, other support privileged in the region. However, all regimes in the region suffer from the same ills that Egypt: they are authoritarian regimes, which are currently the proletarian population to rebel. This is true of Jordan and Yemen (Algeria and Morocco, and King oligarchs tighten the buttocks). The United States seeks a quick fix. They should find a delicate balance between government stability and calm the popular aspiration. " Because if the U.S. bourgeoisie loses its lackeys in the region against the popular discontent, they may no longer have any support for control of the main oil wells in the world. It is not sure yet whether the issue contrary to alarmist prognosticators and impulsive.
The world bourgeoisie tremble for other reasons unacknowledged (related to an old perversion called private property) and his fear is a pleasure to see.
The largest uncertainty in Cairo, after the mobilization of more than 1 million people demanding the immediate departure of the Egyptian president. The army, then last night the Vice-President Omar Suleiman urged the demonstrators to return home when their "claims have been heard," in allusion to the commitment Tuesday night, Hosni Mubarak not to run in the presidential election in September. The workers on the street are not fooled by yesterday and continue fighting with the draft pick Friday. The period of seven months with plenty of time to the military regime to hold a run-in ballot fraud and intimidation is a concern for opponents of bourgeois democrats and brothers, and the proletariat are more surely want to "change a life of shit ". The opposition scattered and half-brothers allied with the means to continue to ride the anger of the proletarian youth (but there are also many not so young) by maintaining the event (probably giant Friday), day of prayer, but not the Vespers of social anger.
Even if the alleged organizers (which drive the door open because the spontaneous protests continue day and night without instructions from any political mafia) do not seem to consider to storm government buildings, the possibility of an insurrection in the street with part of the army is no longer excluded, nose and Democrats with the beard fundamentalists, following the barbaric acts of auxiliaries and tramps of the dictatorship yesterday and this morning against the demonstrators on Tahrir Square (the bastards cops have fired their service weapons). The vast majority
Arab-Muslim certainly want a free and stable alliance with the United States which, even with the departure of Mubarak, would cut the grass under the feet of Islamist warmongers. Because the stakes are not many:
- Either a democracy as hypocritical as the West is being set up by calling into the saddle for some Islamist brothers (who say they want to copy the good Erdogan Turkish)
- Let the bigoted brothers ( lawyers, doctors, engineers, students cheated by the crisis) took office and since they have no economic solution will be solvent warmongers like their Iranian counterparts.
The real danger for the United States, it will not run out of allies or endangerment of Israel, if they let themselves formalize a democratic movement in the Arab or Muslim, but that the proletariat will use this breath of freedom to assert that his battle is not to "identify Mubarak but as Ben Ali to release capitalism (see the press ICP). But why should not leave alone the proletariat of those countries and that is why I proposed on the web that we all appear to 19 hours on the Champs Elysees in Paris our support for the class struggle in Egypt Tunisia and surroundings.
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