Why Obama and Sarkozy leave Libyan massacre?
This Thursday at 9:10: The caregivers reflected atrocities in Benghazi
Dr. Jerome Cau, French physician, said on RTL radio after the first demonstrations, the hospital received so many wounded that "the first night, we operated the chain. Then I was gone, but doctors continued to operate for 3 or 4 days without sleep, until they no longer have the means, ie more compression, more analgesic but care was provided continuously. Although as a physician and surgeon we are accustomed to the most extreme situations, there is totally disproportionate, it's amazing it's a catastrophe. " Nadia, head of a team of nurses, also recounted his experience on RTL Benghazi Medical Center. "There was the first missile attacks on population. After there was really a parade of ambulances to the hospital, it was getting worse, late in the day we received a steady stream of patients. (...) We can talk about carnage especially compared to the amount of people killed people injured on the few days. It is anything but ordinary law enforcement I think. "
As I indicated in my posts 18 and 20 February, nothing has changed, the Western powers continue to rely on the most horrible massacre possible on a scale comparable to the bloody week of 1871 (you can imagine London and Washington not protest against the repression of Thiers or invoke any right to interfere!). It is still no revolution in Libya and Tunisia and Egypt, but a people's uprising against misery and oppression, the working class is incapable of being the spine.
ALONG complicit silence OBAMA AND SARKOZY
Needless to consider major terrorist dictatorships, Russia and China - which can not but welcome a blood bath to calm the people in revolt. No need to wonder about the renewed friendship mackerel Berlusconi regularly re-elected by the good people concerned about the Italian full tank for the private car.
It is not the same for the major powers called democratic. What is striking, and very clear even in the eyes of public opinion indistinct, is the long complicity with the murderous clown Gaddafi since 2008 for most democratic oligarchs, has always been for the Italian capital. Instead of flogging for their criminal complicity, the bourgeois leaders Obama and Sarkozy present themselves more as victims (Oh indeed commercial) of a "madman." This madman with whom they paraded before there are so few photographers around the world, they had not enough for the niceties include among their "friends," a friend indeed rich in oil, but also as excellent Constable of North Africa, as an excellent filter of this pool of labor for the aging Europe. Despite its past crimes and his eccentricities of perverse narcissistic, Gaddafi was once more presentable because while he is mad, he seized it well could end up like Saddam hanged. Today, we can legitimately question the ability of forgiveness of Blair, Sarkozy and Bush to a little cynical dictator could be reversed as the torturer of Baghdad. The long silence timer of Obama and Sarkozy, came to give us the answer: Gaddafi did his job as chief slave! It slows down the gates of Europe and the West too great migration of African labor. It was good passer which regulated the request of employer European slavers. An argument has been continuously distilled props for trying to make Gaddafi essential. Such as Afghanistan, Libya would be a backward country, a mosaic of "tribes" not to mention the friends of Al Qaeda (which Qaddafi had exterminated at least 2000 individuals for the glory of the King of Prussia), one can note in passing this hogra Western neo-colonialist ventures to despise people from the moment they do not have this strange machinery of hoodlums named parlermentarisme oligarchic, and that applies equally to the proletariat in developed countries, considered incapable of managing the company if the bourgeoisie had to be overthrown! The Libyan people are quite able to acquire proletarian councils or elected bodies to revive the economy despite the destruction of the fool (financiers are doing already candidates to sponsor the reconstruction or occupy the workforce place ...). I
Again, hope, always present, that Gaddafi "so it" is always the concern of leaders and citizens of the den of thieves in the UN, otherwise they would not be content merely "remonstrance" very diplomatic. For, double interest, even with his bathtub full of human blood, colonel garlanded resume his task of the chief slave, and significant double victory for all bourgeois states, would probably end up in the tsunami in the office to growing Arab and questions the world. The steamroller of years of bloody dictatorships in Greece, Chile, Argentina has never prevented "business" to continue. The massacres in Cambodia, Rwanda, Srebrenica, were never kept awake the leaders of capitalism. If Gaddafi has enough mercenaries to crush his people and he succeeds, it will be a starter for our dictators Democrats, but will start with the madman, who would then arise new requirements ....
It seems the message is very late for Obama, who was careful to appeal to the hypocritical "right to intervene," Western notion that this wave is useless if bloodshed, but can be very useful for natural targets of imperialist intervention as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just as it did not invoke any emergency shipment of tons of drugs (if urgent given the scale of the massacre with heavy weapons) or another military intervention (Obama was elected to calm anti-militarism of the proletariat , pending the return of a falcon). Gaddafi has undoubtedly gone too far. Never in modern history a dictator dared pull the gun directly on his people. Hitler led the German people to the abyss (6 million dead) but could not say he commanded British and American bombers. Those nostalgic for the great Austrian criminal can always say he was beaten with "his people". The small Gaddafi, it is not taller than his friends Berlusconi and Sarkozy, after an appearance worthy of a folk Kusturica film, has given his son's dog to bark they would fire into the crowd. Fire into the crowd of their own people, not just - it would be understandable if not simple - a working class uprising but indistinct on the inhabitants of cities and neighborhoods. Or civil war or war between countries but within massacre of civilians!
And the UN, and Obama scold, which is a commonplace for them "domestic affair". Just see these worthy heirs of the "liberators" of 1945, clad laws and resolutions against the "war crimes" and other abuses "against humanity", watching the blood flowing heavily and learnedly make the lesson of humanity a murderer who continues to work quietly killing her and brag to the whole world. WHY LEAVE
KADHAFI go that far?
For the simple reason that, even after long silence, the main leaders of European countries and North American (Canada always wax pumps Uncle Samuel), will offer a bouquet of jasmine to the families of many victims: democracy. Then ring the bells honor the universal democracy to try to dry the tears of the bereaved people. And, as poverty is not soluble in the systemic crisis of capitalism, we let the religious fanatics as develop their attacks in Afghanistan. We regret the sly in the chancellery the iron hand of Gaddafi, but it uses this argument attacks Islamo-fascists to complain that democracy is not applicable in the deserts arrears. It n'épiloguera not on capitalism's inability to hold all men, to give them work, dignity and real freedom of movement, etc.. The same oligarchs
cowardly democratic shook the hand of mad bloodthirsty then finally mourn, again, as always, the backwardness of the impoverished masses. And we have to let them in their misery.
PS: I add a comment taken from very interesting blog post that contains the third release of PCI, "While the media almost abscents Libyan ground on believe the balance of power and rumors, the size of the" expeditionary humanitarian " NATO, the more frigates suggests that it is the Egyptian army which could be responsible for the stain on the ground for the U.S., whose forces are trained on the control of the Suez Canal. NATO as Europe has not perhaps afford military ambitions, especially as South Saharan Africa begins to boil ... The pact between Berlusconi and Gaddafi against migrants: the joker Libya "(Tuesday, February 22). James Ridgeway - Counterpunch http://www.info-palestine.net/article.php3?id_article=10213
Qaddafi despite his senility television may not be finished and can play the "gendarme of the West "in central Africa as its maritime borders, even and especially when balkanization of Libya. As for the Libyan oil to Western companies are already in possession of his escape, a few months of uncertainty does not frighten them, for the price surge that will result ... .
add that if the U.S. empire uses the Egyptian army, why not with Tunisian and Yemeni volunteers, you can imagine the symbol win-win for Obama, who has called for unity of the world to defend democracy ... . An Egyptian army, preceded by a flag with Flower of jasmine, entering Tripoli, it would have an air of international anti-Franco brigades remake, but for the victorious ruling bourgeoisie, which could thus completely oversee the growing wave of Arabic, called "for democratic freedoms! You said all democratic freedoms? And here is why? In the wind, songs, and then put away the lamps and go back to misery. Freely.
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