Friday, March 4, 2011

Kathryn Beich Katydid

My Video Anger: The Looting of the Past Egyptian present throughout Egypt and the first presentation of the new Egyptian Minister Essam Sharaf

I have just learned, a reliable source that the Egyptians in loot Museum of Antiquities in Cairo, in graves, destroying monuments, Ismaelia, Abu Sir, Abydos ...
I can not describe the pain I feel from this horrible news.
Is this freedom to rob and kill some free wanted?
How can you have so little respect for this great past, and have much indifference to its heritage? What do
, now the police?
While Egyptians howled the corruption they were / are victims (corruption that is subjected shamelessly to tourists ...), some of them do not give a good image of this revolution that everybody welcomed and shared with all Egyptians.
I hope, very soon, Egypt will find its own democratic stability, as looting and vandalism of these suggest that the dictatorship, Egypt seems to be open today into anarchy. I hope
nobody will have the stupidity to buy the stolen goods, and that we find many very soon. These attackers are the shame of Egypt.
I keep all my love of this country, my second homeland, for the rest of the Egyptian people, too, is ashamed of these facts.

Also, I just got new information: Dr. Zahi Hawass is no longer the secretary of the Supreme Antiquities. I do not know the name of his replacement. New

first Egyptian Minister appointed today: Essam Sharaf is an engineer graduated from Cairo University in 1975 and received his doctorate from Purdue University (Indiana, USA) in 1984 is known for its stance against normalization with Israel and to highlight the pro-Palestinian resolutions as a condition for any cooperation with Israel. The good news is that it changes all the Government including the Minister of Antiquities! (Source GA).

Heavy is my heart, great is my rage, my disappointment is huge.

Sylvie B.


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